How can dancing not affect the downstairs?

1. Choose the right time: try to dance during the day or at night, and avoid the time downstairs that may be affected by morning or late at night.

2. Control the volume: The sound of music is the main factor affecting the downstairs. Try to control the volume within your acceptable range, so as to avoid excessive volume affecting the downstairs.

3. Choose the right place: choose a place with good sound insulation, such as a professional dance studio and gym.

4. Use headphones: If you like to dance outdoors, you can listen to music with headphones, which will not affect the people downstairs.

5. Communicate with people downstairs: If your dance steps may cause trouble to people downstairs, you can communicate with them in advance to see if you can adjust your dance steps or dance time.

6. Pay attention to ground protection: If the dancing ground is hard or there is water, it may cause noise. You can choose soft ground, or put a cushion on the ground to reduce noise.