What is snake massage?

Viper massage is an experience project launched by a massage parlor in Israel. The masseur will pull out the fangs first, and then apply disinfectant to the snake, so that the snake can begin to provide massage services for human beings.

Customers who receive snake massage seek excitement or unprecedented new experience, and a few people try to overcome their fear of snakes. Five or six snakes of different colors are crawling on the guests' backs and are "massaging" them. It is said that this viper massage gym charges 100 USD per hour. With such close contact with animals, many guests who have experienced it say it feels great. Israel Viper Massage Fitness Center has only a few local customers, most of whom are foreign tourists from Europe, Japan, South Korea and other places. The customer lay face down on the massage table, and the masseur put the python and corn snake on his back. While the violinist plays soothing music, the masseur gently drives the snake to move, and the snake will also move on the arms and legs of the guests.

Although viper massage is favored by customers, it has also attracted the attention of animal protection organizations.