What are the benefits of soaking feet with essential oil?

1. Keep fit and prolong life.

2. Prevention of neurasthenia: It can also strengthen the exercise of nerve endings and promote the regulation function of the nervous system, thus improving the sleep effect. Neurasthenia: those who are excited are not excited, those who are rested are not rested, the nervous system is disordered, and there is no self-regulation ability, such as depression, jumping off a building and suicide. (Continuous foot soaking for one week has obvious effect)

3. Prevent numbness of hands and feet: activate the peripheral nerves of the legs and make the whole nervous system run through from top to bottom.

4. Prevention of diabetes: foot bath with essential oil can regulate the endocrine system and restore the function of islet cells.

5. Prevention of hypertension: Essential oil can effectively promote blood circulation and regulate the nervous and endocrine systems. Hypertension is high or low pressure caused by blood blockage.