Why do so few girls exercise?

Girls are afraid to go to the gym because they are afraid of becoming muscular men. Many girls go to the gym, either on the treadmill or in the gym. They repeat these aerobic exercises day after day and year after year. They are afraid of those instruments in the anaerobic zone. They are afraid that they will become King Kong Barbie by practicing their muscles. In fact, this is completely unfounded. Muscle growth needs the support of androgen, and the secretion of androgen in women is less than that in men 1/6. Simply put, to achieve the same level of exercise, men need to exercise for one year and women need to exercise for six years. This is still an ideal state. Do you think women can really reach the intensity of male exercise? Besides, don't girls go to the gym just to get in shape? Chest, vest line and hip lift all need muscle support. Real living muscles are not as hard as the legend says. After exercise, muscles are elastic after reasonable relaxation and stretching, and soft in a relaxed state.