Muscle loss began after the age of 20! Olympic team doctors teach you to lie down and practice muscle strength before going to bed.

Japanese health survey shows that modern people's living habits have changed, and the obvious lack of daily exercise leads to a large loss of muscle mass from the age of 20, with the loss rate of the lower body being the fastest. As the saying goes, "the lower body determines the rest of your life", because about 70% of the muscles in the human body are located in the lower body, long-term sedentary and long-term lying can easily lead to the relaxation and loss of our lower body muscles. The quadriceps femoris degenerated, and the rate of falls and fractures increased greatly. Yue Zhihong, director of Osaka Police Hospital, Japan, said that the largest muscle group in the human body is located in the thigh, in which the muscle mass of quadriceps femoris will drop to 60% when it is 60 years old, and this muscle responsible for carrying loads and walking can share the burden on the back. If the muscle mass is too low, it is easy to cause falls and injuries and thigh fractures when walking. The general public often focus on the upper body muscles with obvious appearance in fitness, but they don't know that the lower body is the real indicator of health. After two weeks of plaster cast, the quadriceps femoris decreased by 20%. 20 12 Professor KINOMOTO SAKURA Keisuke, the team doctor of the Japanese team at the London Olympic Games, said that just two weeks after putting a plaster on his foot, he could not walk for a short time, which would reduce the muscle strength of the hamstring 14% and the quadriceps femoris by 20%. Because the leg can be said to be the second heart of the human body, the age of the leg has become the biggest key to human health and longevity. People should exercise quadriceps more diligently instead of caring about wrinkles and dullness of the skin. In life, you can generally exercise quadriceps by climbing stairs and walking, but the elderly are prone to sprain their feet or dislocate their feet due to long-term lack of exercise and obesity. Therefore, Professor Ying Ting also suggested that people should press their knees while lying down in the early stage of exercise, and then practice squatting, squatting and climbing stairs step by step when their muscle strength increases and they feel uncomfortable when walking. Knee pressing exercise: Please do it on the mat to avoid sports injury. ※. 1. Lie on your back and straighten your legs, and put a rolled-up towel under your left knee, with a height of about 10 cm. 2. Keep your toes up and press the towel with the inside of your knees. 3. Let go after five seconds, and do the left and right feet 20 times as a group, once in the morning, once in the afternoon, once in the evening, and once in three groups. If office workers are not available at noon, they can do a group in the morning and evening.