Hours fitness

If you want to go to the gym often, keep your diet. The conversion should start on 1 day, but its significance is not enough for you to see easily with the naked eye.

Within a week, your muscles will ache and your appetite will increase greatly.

In the next 2-3 weeks, you will get used to exercise and your body will adapt to new changes. It will stop growing unless you make yourself by going up one flight of stairs by doing different exercises, lifting more weights or changing the time in the gym.

Our brain is a device designed to survive a million years ago, and our body is controlled by the brain to adapt.

If you are looking for change, you need to continue to change your exercise style and eating habits and maintain a stable goal-oriented mentality. How much do you need to change when you change it? The method is your own.

Your brain likes goals, so give it one.

Set a small goal if you want to reduce your body fat percentage by 5% within 2 months.

Suppose you can lose 3% body fat in 1 month.

Is this good? I would say, no.

I will ask you to raise your goal by 5% in the next two months. So, now your goal is to reach 10% (the new goal) in three months, instead of reaching 5% (the new goal) in two months, and your fat has been reduced by 3% (finished).

Now it has reached 7% in two months. This should be possible! Is it ... or not

This is how you transform your body.

Your transformation will begin in 4 months, but visually, it will have an impact in 6 months. Having said that, there are some die-hard enthusiasts who have achieved physical transformation within three months, which is an exception.

I have lived a healthy lifestyle for more than five years and have seen many stories from obesity to health and from thinness to health.

The transformation of the body begins with our thoughts.

Make change a good change.

Do 60 minutes of good exercise 5-6 days a week, exercise gradually, gain weight, try new exercise methods, eat a balanced diet and drink plenty of water, and you will change.