Introduction of several common fitness protectors

Weightlifting belt. It is the most controversial auxiliary device in bodybuilding training. On the one hand, it is an essential protective device for lifting weights, on the other hand, it provides stable support and protection for the spine, such as squatting, shoulder pressing and hard pulling.

Booster belt. All kinds of pulling exercises, such as rowing with one-arm dumbbell, standing up and pulling up, all involve the largest muscle group in the upper body, while the forearm muscle group responsible for grasping is much weaker. In training, it often happens that the forearm muscles can't hold up before the back is fully challenged, thus affecting the training effect of the back muscles. In this case, holding the belt can effectively solve this problem.

Gloves. Wearing gloves is a simple way to solve the headache of many bodybuilders, especially when doing bending and pull-ups The function of gloves is to make the practitioner hold the grip more firmly and prevent slipping, especially in the case of sweaty palms. Another function is to help prevent the palm from grinding hard calluses.