Background of fitness hip-hop dance

In the 1970s, in the United States, under the social mentality of pursuing complete freedom and liberation, many black youths were mixed in the streets all day in some joints of black communities in new york (especially the famous Brooklyn Street). They get together, dance, entertain themselves, and sometimes even dance for fun, forming different styles and genres. Representative dances are Brelin Dance and Lock Flow (Wave). These dances are mainly improvisation, and some are accompanied by hip-hop movements such as backspin and head spin, which change with the passage of time and the development of music. The appearance of hip-hop music school has given hip-hop a brand-new interpretation. With the performances of pop stars and their MTV works, this "cool" wind has spread all over the world. For example, Michael Jackson, hammer, and Korean cool dragon and hot combination. At present, with the popularity of HIP-HOP, hip-hop not only occupies a place in the pop music scene, but also has become a very fashionable fitness way in China.