Where is the big head muscle?

Tissue has no muscle, so there is no part of muscle.

There is no such thing as head and arm in medicine, only biceps brachii and triceps brachii. The biceps brachii is located in front of the upper arm of the body, and its whole muscle is spindle-shaped.

Because biceps brachii has long and short ends, it is called biceps brachii. By definition, there is actually no biceps brachii. If you have to say it, you can call the lower half of the biceps brachii, that is, the deep muscle inside it, the brachiocephalic muscle.

In fact, it's not just the leg shape that makes men look better. The thigh is the source of strength, and the leg muscles account for 60% of the whole body muscles, which requires regular exercise. According to statistics, people who don't exercise leg muscles will reduce their leg muscles to half of those at the age of 40 at the age of 70, which is seriously degraded.

In addition, leg exercise is very important to gain muscle, reduce fat and improve sports performance. In addition, it can also improve men's testosterone level, so as to maintain muscle strength and quality, maintain bone density, refresh the mind and enhance physical fitness.

Triceps brachii exercise method Action: Pull the arm down to exercise muscles: abdominal muscles and muscle groups, shoulder and forearm triceps brachii.

Key points of action: bend your elbow to keep your trunk down slowly, keep your upper arm humerus fixed, and move your forearm slowly. When the angle between the elbow and the upper arm is close to 90 degrees, stretch the elbow back to the starting position after a short stay.