Where is Duliuzhuang Village?

There are 356 households in Duliuzhuang Village, Nancai Town, Shunyi District, Beijing, with a permanent population of 1.2 10 and a land area of 1.400 mu. There are 53 people in party member, 30 villagers' representatives, and the total labor force is more than 650. There are four people in the two committees of the village, and two people cross posts. Comrade Peng Tong is the secretary of the village party branch. The village economy is dominated by the tertiary industry, with 4 village-level enterprises. In 2007, Duliuzhuang Village achieved a total rural economic income of 210.3 million, with a per capita income of 6,300 yuan.

In the construction of new countryside in 2007, Duliuzhuang Village achieved a road hardening of 2,800 meters and built a new fitness venue of 1.800 square meters, which enriched the villagers' spare time life and met their needs for entertainment and fitness. In the future, the village will gradually build a village library to enrich the cultural life of the villagers and improve their cultural knowledge. District Forestry Bureau is a "one gang, one" unit in the village. Since the help, a lot of money has been invested in the infrastructure construction of the village, which has accelerated the pace of new rural construction in the village.

Duliuzhuang Village is adjacent to Qianfengbo Village, Houxuegezhuang Village, Houfengbo Village, Qianxuegezhuang Village, Daxing Village, Nancai Village, Taipingzhuang Village, Yuxinzhuang Village, Houhaojiatuan Village, Jiuwangzhuang Village, Shuitun Village, Qianhaojiatuan Village, hebei village Village and Beicai Village.

On September 1 2020, Ali Research Institute announced Taobao Village in 2020, and Du Liu Zhuang was on the list.

Near Duliuzhuang Village, there are tourist attractions such as Ruilinwan Hot Spring Resort, Olympic Water Park, Beijing Shunxin Green Resort, Senxin Forest Park and Jiaozhuanghu Tunnel Warfare Site. There are also some specialties such as Xinshuanghe Cherry, hebei village Cherry, Wanlubao Pickled Radish, Bee Cake and Xinshuanghe Cherry.