The most popular song

Despacito is a Spanish pop song sung by Puerto Rican singers LuisFonsi and DaddyYankee. This song was released in 20 17, which quickly became popular all over the world and became one of the most popular songs.

If you want to learn this song, this article will provide you with some simple steps.

Step 1: Understand the basic information of the song.

First of all, it is important to know the basic information of this song. De Pacito's lyrics are written in Spanish, so if you don't know Spanish, you need to learn some basic vocabulary and grammar first. Moreover, this song has a fast rhythm and needs some time to get used to it.

Step 2: Learn the lyrics of the song.

Learning the lyrics of a song is an important step in learning this song. You can get the lyrics by searching the lyrics of a song online or buying the original CD of the song. When learning the lyrics of a song, you need to pay attention to some basic grammar and pronunciation rules in order to better understand the meaning of the song.

Step 3: Practice the pronunciation and rhythm of the song.

Once you know the lyrics of the song, you can start practicing the pronunciation and rhythm of the song. You can learn the pronunciation and rhythm of songs by listening to the original recording, and you can also use some online learning resources to help you practice. When practicing, you need to pay attention to the rhythm and rhyme of the song in order to better express the meaning of the song.

Step 4: Learn the dance of songs.

De Pacito's dance is also very interesting. If you want to dance this song, you can learn by watching some dance teaching videos. When learning dance, we need to pay attention to the rhythm and movements of the dance in order to better express the meaning of the song.