How to gain weight by fitness?

Of course.

But exercise and diet should work together.


Rule number one (eat)

How do fat people gain weight? How do people with big muscles get bigger? How did the great man get bigger? Eat!

"But I eat too much, but I just can't grow up. I guess it's because my metabolism is too fast .. "Cut the crap and start a new life plan. Every child will make an excuse-but that's nonsense. Do you want to make your muscles bigger? Or do you have to keep complaining that you can't grow muscles?

If you really want to make your muscles bigger, just do as I say.

Count calories (calories) If you don't count calories, you will never succeed. You're just wasting your life and everyone's time, asking how to grow muscles for nothing. The only way to gain weight and muscle is to eat a lot of food (calories) correctly. If you don't do this, it's useless to do anything. Even if you exercise and supplement nutrition, you will get nothing! Physical growth requires a certain amount of heat. Intake of calories will be converted into fat or long muscles; If you don't get enough nutrition, you can only keep your weight at best, otherwise you will become thinner.

If you want your muscles to grow, you must eat proper food. How much should I eat? First, prepare a calorie calculator, a measuring cup, or a cheap food scale. Then, prepare a notebook and carry it with you.

Shit! Make it more important. Don't bother, do you? If you want to really solve the "stubborn disease", or see some results in the near future.

My answer is: Yes!

Now, count the calories of the food you eat in a day. Add up the calories of the food you eat at the end of the day. Is the result different from what you think?

Maybe you will find that you ate 500 calories more than the first day, even more or less. In order to gain weight, we plan to eat five, six or more meals a day. Keep this calorie intake for one week (seven days). Get up on the seventh day to check your weight (no food). Have you gained weight?

No? Then add another 500 calories to your daily diet next week. Go on for another week and see the result.

If your weight hasn't changed, and you find that you may not eat enough, try switching to foods with higher calories, such as eating more fat in your diet.

If the result is positive, it means that you have gained weight, then keep your current calorie intake until you stop gaining weight, and then plan to add about 250 to 500 extra calories every day thereafter. When you gain weight, you need more calories to gain weight.

Don't check your weight at noon, it's meaningless-there is food in your stomach and bladder, and even drinking a glass of water can gain a pound in a short time. )

Rule: If you gain a pound or two in a week, please adjust your daily calorie intake and reduce 250 calories every day until you gain less than a pound in a week.

What does it mean if the average weight gain exceeds one catty in a week? This means that you gain more fat than muscle. This is not what we want. If you can gain a pound a week, that's enough. Calculate, if you gain weight smoothly, you will gain 52 pounds a year and immediately become huge. If you are thin, you must add more fat to your daily diet to gain weight.

Eat fat? Why? Fat is a high-calorie food, twice as high as protein and sugar. When you are full and can't eat any more, you have taken in enough calories. But you still need to eat a lot of high-quality protein (cheese, beef, chicken) and a lot of vegetables. At the same time, eat high-fat food. If you are too thin to go out in windy weather, it doesn't matter if you are a little fatter.


Rule 2 (Training)

When you start to gobble, you should also plan how to maintain your weight without becoming obese. If you are thin and even afraid of being blown away by the wind, don't worry about being fat for the time being; But for others, it is necessary to exercise in order to use heat to transform into muscles. If you don't eat, you won't gain meat; Eating and not practicing will produce fat and gain weight. This is the same reason.

When you train your muscles, there are several simple principles to keep in mind: First, unless you are going to participate in the national bodybuilding competition, such a small detail as the position of your hand is irrelevant, and such a trivial matter will not help your muscle growth. Second: When you are not doing heavy weight training, don't do aerobic exercise and try to rest. What you should do is to exercise hard-in a short time, don't be smart or complicated, and practice as hard as possible. You should find it difficult to walk after practicing your legs. Training intensity is the key to muscle growth. On the arm side, if you want to drink a glass of milk half an hour after practice, your arm should feel trembling.

Keep the training time within one hour, and don't exercise the same part every two days-it's best to cycle once every three or four days. Muscles don't grow in training, but give them enough rest after training, and they will grow after you exercise.

In the process of training, you should practice the muscles of all parts separately, and don't practice all parts of your body at once. Because after practicing two or three parts, your physical strength will soon run out (if you practice hard enough), so extra training will only waste your time and slow down muscle growth.

Make the training plan simpler; For example, triangle and arm for one day, leg for one day, chest and back for one day. Don't practice chest and back before or after arm training, otherwise it will affect the training of chest and back. You can train related muscle groups on the same day, such as chest and triceps: back and biceps. Don't practice triceps to practice your back and biceps to practice your chest. Number and frequency of groups Remember, we are training to increase muscle size. Usually training, generally take 3 groups, each group is 8 to 12 times (each group is exhausted; I can't, use 70% to 80% of the maximum weight you can push); Then arrange to do only one group a month, and only six groups of heavy training (more than 80%).

"Can't do it anymore? What's that feeling? When you struggle to do it for the last time, you almost bite your teeth, your muscles growl in pain, and your heart is about to jump out. That's the feeling. So you should adjust your weight so that you will be exhausted after a proper number of times. Don't always set that you only need to do 12 times and then stop doing 12 times. If you can still do it, add some weight to the next group.

Each muscle (not a muscle group) only does one action, and one action is enough-if it is practiced correctly. Triceps training, for example, is composed of three muscles: long head, lateral head and medial head. I suggest standing triceps brachii stretching, supine triceps brachii stretching and triceps brachii pulley pressing to complete the training of three muscles respectively. Stop for a moment. If you want to be strong, don't be afraid of getting fat. In some parts of your body, the weight gain is fat, especially in your waist. If you really want to make your muscles bigger, you must tolerate that some fat will definitely increase. Anyone or magazine will tell you that getting fat is the only process to get stronger. Unless you are in 10 or 20 years, you will only gain about 3 to 5 kilograms a year on average. The first priority to gain muscle is to increase your weight and muscle first, and then lose fat after an achievement.

I have told you many times here that improving your body shape is a cycle of muscle gain-fat loss-muscle gain-fat loss. As for how many cycles it takes to satisfy you, it depends on genes, training strategies and diet plans. If you think your fat is longer than your muscle and want to lose some body fat first, there are several things you should do at this time.

First of all, maintain the current calorie intake and reduce the amount of fat in the daily diet. Set aside a little more time to do some aerobic exercise in the training class. If this continues, when the effect gradually appears, your body fat is decreasing, then, keep it like this; Don't reduce your calories, let your muscles keep up. When you hit a bottleneck? In fact, the trouble is that in a very short time, your muscles grow too fast, and it seems that they almost stop growing in the later stage.

If you want to break through this situation as soon as possible, the best way is to do strength training for three months during this period to improve your strength and maintain your weight. Try to lose fat, but don't ignore your body shape when you lose fat (don't overdo it, lest you burn your muscles). Your muscles will grow quickly, and you must keep eating. It takes three to five years to develop your full potential unless you have enough experience.