What if a novice can't use fitness equipment when going to the gym?

Some novices, after going to the gym with a fitness card, only know that treadmills or spinning bikes are aerobic exercises. Especially for girls, it is more important to learn the use of strength training equipment and find ways to improve muscle strength and muscle content.

Because of pure aerobic exercise, it is easy to use it to enter the weight loss platform period, which will make your weight loss effect not good and your confidence in losing weight will be severely hit. At the same time, the increase of muscle content can effectively accelerate the metabolism of human body, so that the intake of calories is not easy to accumulate, and people are not easy to gain weight.

The problem is that many people still have a little knowledge of fitness equipment, don't know how to use it, and don't know where to practice. Today, I will show my novice friends the equipment in the gym.


Sit bench press

/42a 98226 cffc 1e 17 CB 0 db 24690 f 603728 de 987? X-BCE-process = image/resize, m _ lfit, w _ 450, h _ 600, limit _ 1/quality, q _ 85.

Butterfly machine clip chest

/b 80 14a 90 f 603738 deff 88da 1bf 1bb 05 1f 9 19ec 87? X-BCE-process = image/resize, m _ lfit, w _ 450, h _ 600, limit _ 1/quality, q _ 85 frame clamping.

/95 eef 0 1 F3 a 292 df 5375 a2 d 96b 03 15c 6035 a 8739 c? X-BCE-process = image/resize, m _ lfit, w _ 450, h _ 600, limit _ 1/quality, q _ 85 straight-arm chest forceps.


Instrument high level pull-down

/87 18367 adab 44 aed 6 1 fc 3 f 67 BF 1 c 870 1 a 08 bfb 87? X-BCE-process = image/resize, m _ lfit, w _ 450, h _ 600, limit _ 1/quality, q _ 85 rowing in a sitting position.

/e4d de 7 1 190 ef 76 c 66 c 547 aa 89 1 16 fdfaae 5 167 ab? X-BCE-process = image/resize, m _ lfit, w _ 450, h _ 600, limit _ 1/quality, q _ 85.

Instrument push shoulder

/4b 90 f 603738 da 9777 EDB 07 A8 BC 5 1f 8 1987 18 E3 b 9? X-BCE-process = image/resize,m _ lfit,w _ 450,h _ 600,limit _ 1/quality,q _ 85。

/728 da 97739 12b 3 1bf 9984 caa8a 18367 adbb 4 e 1b 9? X-BCE-process = image/resize, m _ lfit, w _ 450, h _ 600, limit _ 1/quality, q _ 85 triceps brachii.

The stretcher bearer bent his arm and pressed down.

/3b 292 df 5 E0 Fe 9925658 AE 8d 338 a 85 EDF 8 CB 17 1ab? X-BCE-process = image/resize,m _ lfit,w _ 450,h _ 600,limit _ 1/quality,q _ 85。

Reverse grip pull-ups

/4 bed 2e 738 BD 4b 3 1 CD 5c 8 15388 BD 6277 f 9 F2 ff 8 b 9? X-BCE-process = image/resize, m _ lfit, w _ 450, h _ 600, limit _ 1/quality, q _ 85 rope bend.

/860 1a 18b 87d 6277 fc8e 6 B3 bb 2438 1f 30 e 824 fcb 9? X-BCE-process = image/resize, m _ lfit, w _ 450, h _ 600, limit _ 1/quality, q _ 85 legs and buttocks.

45 Reverse pedal machine

/09 fa 5 13d 269759 ee 4 ee 2e 148 befb 43 166 c 22 df 87? X-BCE-process = image/resize, m _ lfit, w _ 450, h _ 600, limit _ 1/quality, q _ 85 sitting leg flexion and extension.

/7e 3 e 6709 c 93d 70 CFC 4632 b 8 ef 4d CD 100 BBA 12 b9c? X-BCE-process = image/resize, m _ lfit, w _ 450, h _ 600, limit _ 1/quality, q _ 85, lift the bent leg.

/8b 13632762 d0f 703 fc 46 145 f 04 fa 5 13d 2797 C5 b 9? X-BCE-process = image/resize, m _ lfit, w _ 450, h _ 600, limit _ 1/quality, q _ 85 Smith squats.

/c 8 177 F3 e 6709 c 93 D8 e 748 f 74933 df8 DCD 00054 ab? x-bce-process=image/resize,m_lfit,w_450,h_600,limit_ 1/quality,q_85