What should I do immediately after exercise?

I have answered this question several times. Don't eat anything, don't eat anything after exercise! If you do this, you may affect your muscle growth

What should I do immediately after exercise?

I have answered this question several times. Don't eat anything, don't eat anything after exercise! If you do this, you may affect your muscle growth. That's why./Why is this? ...

Please read the complete answer first, and then I will give some suggestions on increasing muscle and reducing fat.

Can I ask you a question? How many times have you read or heard the phrase: "Once your weight falls, you have 30 minutes of anabolic time to drink a protein shake and stuff food into your stomach."

This is taught by word of mouth, fitness magazines and even bodybuilders.

We are often told that we need to supplement protein (or other forms of protein) in order to maintain the muscles gained after exercise.

It is speculated that the anabolic window is a period of time after your training, when your body is ready to better receive nutrients and deliver them to your muscles.

Today, I want to tell you that when you try to optimize muscle growth through the boasted "anabolic window", drinking a milkshake within 30 minutes may be a huge mistake.

1. Cortisol, the magic hormone

Cortisol is one of the most easily misunderstood hormones in the human body.

Generally speaking, cortisol is a catabolic hormone, or "stress hormone" in more popular terms. Cortisol will increase in any form of mass strength training, 8-minute weight cycle training or weight training.

These decomposition processes are very important to activate the maximum anabolic state.

When it has a chance to work normally, it can become what I think of as a "magic hormone".

In the absence of insulin, cortisol helps to mobilize body fat, which makes catecholamine more effective in mobilizing fat and glycogen stored in muscle.

You want cortisol to work after exercise. Research shows that, compared with other training, the result of your exercise in the gym is closely related to your cortisol level in training, which is stronger than testosterone and growth hormone.

There is a lot of evidence that cortisol is the trigger of catabolism, which is very exciting. Your body needs this slight injury process, so when it recovers, it will have a greater impact.

You need to have at least one hour of training to stimulate your body to recover naturally and carry out the necessary health care process in order to better prepare for the next day's training.


In addition, as an additional benefit, it gives your body time to remove triglycerides released from the blood, so that you can lose more body fat and still become bigger and stronger.

Fact 2: The total intake of protein is more critical to the best sports performance.

A recent study in the Journal of the International Sports Nutrition Society investigated the anabolic window. The researchers reviewed 23 previous studies on protein intake and intake time. What they found may surprise you.

When it comes to protein intake time after resistance training, there is no evidence to support the increase of lean muscle mass.