Excuse me, which part of the body does bouncing mainly depend on?

Thigh-based! !

The muscle expansion and contraction of the calf mainly has innate quality and acquired cultivation, and it is well known that people who practice sprinting have thicker thighs because of the pedaling force and explosive force of their legs during sprinting, so it is very necessary for people who want to practice bouncing to practice thigh muscles.

One more thing, it is also essential to practice your waist muscles, because this is the capital for you to do more movements in the air. It is conceivable that if there is physical contact, there is no waist strength to catch the rebound in the air. As long as your opponent interferes with you, you will lose your balance and can't do anything in the air at all.

Practice jumping with speed first! ! ! You can buy a dress to wear on your body (I don't know the name of that thing, but it can play the same role as a sandbag, and it is also a dress with iron chips in it). Use this to help you gain weight, practice jumping, and then you explode. Remember that every practice should be not only quantitative but also qualitative, and use the fastest speed every time.

I really can't say that. Anyway, I've seen it, and I can't name it. Hehe, sorry, some gyms should have them ~ ~ ~