The difference between whey powder and whey protein powder

Whey powder and whey protein powder have the same name. Whey powder is basically made of protein powder.

Whey is the liquid component left after casein in milk is concentrated and filtered, which is generally a by-product in the process of making cheese. Contains a considerable amount of protein and a small amount of fat, as well as lactose, vitamins and minerals. Whey can be added to other foods, such as bread and biscuits, to increase nutritional value. It is also used as animal feed.

Whey protein is the key to muscle exercise and recovery after fitness, and also helps to lose weight. Although you may be taking whey protein supplements, do you know that different forms of whey can provide different benefits?

Whey can help optimize the exercise effect of the gym according to different goals. Whey protein has many benefits, especially adding the right dose at the right time.

Whey protein is one of the most commonly used nutritional supplements, which is used to build muscles and help recovery. It is considered as a complete protein, which contains all nine essential amino acids.

With the support of research, whey is widely used, has complete amino acid composition, and is easily digested and absorbed by human body, which makes it superior to other forms of protein and become the most popular dietary supplement.

The body needs protein to perform many daily functions, such as immune response, transportation, signal pathway and cell structure. Protein is also a key factor in muscle growth and maintenance. Because whey protein is rich in leucine (a key amino acid in anabolism or construction), it is beneficial to build lean body mass and reduce body fat. Because exercise leads to the decomposition of protein and the growth of protein, it is necessary to take enough protein to achieve the balance of protein after exercise.

The most obvious advantage of whey protein is its convenient and quick selection, which can supplement the lost storage in protein, because it is easy to carry and use in commuting. Powder does not need to be refrigerated, so it is easy to measure. It only needs to be mixed with water or added to smoothies, yogurt, oatmeal or other liquids. There are even some ways to add whey protein powder to baked goods and other recipes to increase protein content.

For healthy and active people or athletes, whey protein contributes to their physical performance and the ability to maintain muscle mass. The intake of whey protein is helpful to increase the glucose intake of protein synthesis and glycogen synthesis in muscle. Glycogen is the energy storage form of muscle. Whey protein can make muscles perform better, avoid rapid fatigue and benefit muscles by ensuring adequate glycogen storage.