What are the early symptoms of prostatitis?

The early symptoms of prostatitis are:

First, bacterial prostatitis. It is an acute or non-acute infection of prostate caused by one or several pathogenic bacteria. The pathogen is gram-negative aerobic bacteria, such as Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

1 acute bacterial prostatitis. Sudden onset, chills, high fever, frequent urination, urgency and pain. Dysuria or acute urinary retention may occur. It is often accompanied by acute cystitis in clinic. Prostate swelling, tenderness, local temperature rise, smooth surface, abscess formation full or fluctuating.

2. Chronic bacterial prostatitis. Frequent micturition, urgent micturition, dysuria, urethral discomfort or burning sensation during micturition. White secretions often flow out of the urethral orifice after urination and defecation. Sometimes there may be hemospermia, perineal pain, sexual dysfunction, mental and neurological symptoms. The prostate is full, enlarged, soft and slightly tender. The course of the disease is old, the prostate is atrophied and hardened, with imperfect surface and small induration.

Second, non-bacterial prostatitis. The clinical symptoms and signs of non-bacterial prostatitis are similar to bacterial prostatitis. No matter whether there are a large number of inflammatory bacteria in the prostatic fluid of patients with non-bacterial prostatitis, no pathogenic bacteria have been found by segmental urine bacterial culture and other inspection methods.

Third, gonorrhea complicated with prostatitis. The prostate caused by Neisseria gonorrhoeae is mainly manifested as chronic diseases, with mild symptoms, perineal discomfort, penile pain, "life" at the urethral orifice in the morning, urinary stranguria, pustules in prostate massage liquid and decreased lecithin. Neisseria gonorrhoeae was found by smear or culture.

Fourthly, granulomatous prostatitis. Is a rare disease, mostly nonspecific, usually associated with recent urinary tract infections. In most cases, digital rectal examination can reach prostate induration or diffuse hard mass, which is not easy to distinguish from prostate cancer, so it is necessary to discuss it.

Fifth, prostate pain. Prostatitis-like syndrome, also known as prostatitis-like syndrome, refers to obvious tenderness in levator ani and other places on both sides of anus, and the proportion of this type in various types of prostatitis is slightly lower than that of non-bacterial prostatitis.