Which do you do first, aerobic exercise or anaerobic exercise?

It is better to do anaerobic exercise first, because doing aerobic exercise first may not have enough energy to make the body exercise vigorously after finishing. Doing anaerobic exercise before aerobic exercise also helps to consume body fat faster, reduce fat and lose weight, and give muscles and bones a buffer time. Has the functions of reducing fat, losing weight and protecting muscle tissue.

It would be better to do anaerobic exercise first.

It is best to do anaerobic exercise first, because aerobic exercise lasts for a long time, usually tens of minutes or even hours. If you do aerobic exercise first, the energy in your body will be exhausted, and then you can't provide enough energy by doing anaerobic exercise.

When the human body is exercising, it first consumes a substance called glycogen. When glycogen is almost consumed, the body's fat will gradually replace glycogen. If you run anaerobic first, you can quickly consume glycogen in your body, and then aerobic exercise can reduce fat.

Doing anaerobic exercise before aerobic exercise can also protect muscle tissue, because the human body can't stop to rest immediately after strenuous exercise. Doing aerobic exercise at this time can give muscles, bones or other functions a buffer time, which is conducive to muscle tissue repair.