Some people say that doing aerobic exercise first is equal to doing it for nothing. Is it true?/You don't say.

No matter in the stage of fat loss or muscle gain, the arrangement mode of anaerobic first and aerobic second is more scientific and reasonable.

There is nothing in the world for nothing, but you should know what the purpose of anaerobic aerobic is. For the time being, I understand that your goal is to reduce fat. If it is to gain muscle, it is a different way of operation.

Anaerobic target

First, maintain basal metabolism.

The purpose of doing anaerobic during fat loss is to keep your lean body weight to the maximum extent. As for wanting to grow muscles, I may really think too much. The existence of thermal gap in the process of reducing fat. The relative cost of muscle building is relatively high, and it is also difficult. It is perfect to maintain the existing thin weight. So be anaerobic, keep lean and keep your current metabolism.

Second, how to maintain a thin body weight.

In order to keep lean body weight, we should grasp three points in training: 1. Compound movements, mainly squatting, pulling and pushing. 2. High strength. 85%+ 1RM,3。 Shorten the interval.

Third, accelerate the decomposition of fat.

The goal of high-intensity training is not only to keep your lean body weight, but also to extract your fat from fat cells to the greatest extent and transport it to mitochondria for oxidation.

Aerobic goal first, improve your cardiopulmonary ability. There is not much explanation here.

Second, further accelerate the oxidation of fatty acids.

Further oxidize your fatty acids. Most of the work of anaerobic training just now is to extract and decompose fatty acids, while aerobic training further accelerates the oxidation process of fat cells and increases fat consumption. This is the goal of aerobic training.

This statement is based on the idea of anaerobic muscle gain and aerobic muscle consumption, but it is not a mathematical formula, and neither a "positive" nor a "negative" is zero.

Anaerobic before aerobic to reduce fat;

1. Increase consumption and consume fat more effectively. As we all know, after 30 minutes of aerobic exercise, the proportion of fat energy supply will gradually maximize, while the way of anaerobic exercise is mainly glycogen energy supply, so aerobic exercise after anaerobic exercise can mobilize fat energy supply more effectively.

The shaping effect is obvious. For beginners whose body fat rate is not particularly high, adopting anaerobic and aerobic methods can reduce fat and gain muscle at the same time, and with a reasonable diet, they can obviously change their body shape within six months to one year.

3. Improve metabolism and become thinner. Long-term excessive oxygen will make it more and more difficult to mobilize fat in the body, so it will increase the energy supply ratio of muscles. The decrease of muscle mass will reduce basal metabolism and lead to easy rebound, while the method of increasing anaerobic can increase muscle and improve metabolism. As long as oxygen is kept in a proper range, it will not be easily consumed.

For muscle augmentation:

It does have a certain effect, but moderate aerobic capacity can increase vital capacity, improve cardiopulmonary endurance, and contribute to the metabolism of lactic acid accumulation under anaerobic conditions. In the muscle building stage, it is more appropriate to keep the aerobic intensity within 30 minutes each time.

This statement is certainly not reliable. You can gain something from exercise, but it is impossible to get something for nothing.

In fact, aerobic exercise or strength training first depends on your training purpose and your exercise habits and abilities.

Anaerobic exercise refers to strength training, which aims at improving muscle mass and increasing muscle circumference, thus maintaining and improving basal metabolic level and increasing weight loss effect. Or promote muscle gain and improve muscle circumference. In fact, in strength training, not only anaerobic exercise, but also aerobic exercise can be carried out by adjusting the intensity of load, but everyone is used to treating strength training as anaerobic exercise. For example, when many people who lose weight do light-weight or unarmed exercise for more than twenty or thirty times per group, the exercise process becomes aerobic exercise: when we monitor the oxygen content in muscles with muscle oxygen monitoring equipment, the muscle oxygen will drop rapidly at the beginning of this light-weight training and enter anaerobic mode, but after more than ten times, the muscle oxygen will gradually rise and stabilize at a high level, indicating that muscles will be very stable at this time. For example, after 20 push-ups, the energy supply of muscles becomes aerobic mode. However, this training mode is very good for improving local energy consumption, which can not only improve muscle oxygen use ability and muscle endurance, but also promote fat loss. Even bodybuilders will use such a small weight to reduce fat and increase the feeling of muscle drawing before the game.

Similarly, aerobic exercise is relative. For example, running is recognized as aerobic exercise, but if you sprint 200 meters, it is definitely anaerobic training! We have also tested the changes of muscle oxygen between athletes and ordinary people during running, which are basically similar. In the course of 100-meter running, muscle oxygen quickly drops to a very low state, at which time muscle is basically powered by anaerobic metabolism. After running, muscle oxygen gradually rises, which is faster for systematic athletes and slower for ordinary people.

Therefore, aerobic exercise and anaerobic exercise are only relative, and there will be no "white practice" because of the different arrangement order.

Change the question, "Does aerobic exercise reduce muscle?" Or "will aerobic kill efforts that become anaerobic?" Is it more intuitive to look at it this way?

Doing aerobic exercise immediately after muscle destruction training will interfere with muscle repair and hypertrophy. A study in Journal of Sports Science and Medicine 20 17 proves this point. A novice weightlifter, after practicing biceps, goes to practice moderate and high intensity aerobic pedaling for 30 minutes. Compared with directly practicing aerobic pedaling after lifting iron, the muscle growth rate of the former is almost twice as fast as that of the latter.

Although proper aerobic exercise after lifting iron will still grow muscles, doing aerobic exercise immediately will reduce the efficiency of muscle gain. For friends who want to gain muscle quickly, iron lifting and aerobic exercise must be carried out within two days.

How to maximize the aerobic effect and avoid the influence of muscle building effect? First, don't train at the wrong time.

If you do 20min minutes aerobic training first, and then do iron lifting, you won't have enough strength to do enough groups to stimulate muscles. If you must practice aerobics, then put it after lifting iron.

Second, running is a poor way of aerobic training.

For people who gain muscle, running, skipping rope, opening and closing jump and high-intensity reading intermittent sprint will all produce very strong centrifugal force, which will cause a lot of lower body muscles to be injured and need to be recovered, which has a great influence on people who practice legs. Choosing low-impact aerobic training, such as cycling, elliptical machine and walking uphill, will not be effective.

Third, high-intensity aerobic should consider recovery.

If you want to practice your shoulders, you can't practice high-strength ropes the day before, because the shoulder muscles will definitely be recovering the next day, and it won't be very efficient to practice your shoulders again.

Fourth, don't do too much aerobic exercise and concentrate on lifting iron.

Three times a week, 20-30 minutes each time, which has great interference to muscle building. If you are anaerobic, your muscles will still grow, but the efficiency will be much lower. You can use this method if you want to keep your muscles while brushing your fat.

To sum up, if you want to maximize muscle gain and fat loss at the same time, it is recommended to give priority to lifting iron, divide lifting iron and aerobic exercise into two days, and do not do some aerobic actions that affect lifting iron; If you want to brush a lot of fat and keep your muscles, it is a good training method to lift iron three days a week and then add oxygen for about 30 minutes each time.