Varicocele, under what circumstances do you need surgery?

This depends on whether the patient is an indication for surgery. Generally speaking, there are the following items:

Indications for surgery?

1, surgical indications for adult patients:

(1) satisfies the following three conditions:

1) infertility;

2) Spermatogenic function of testis decreased;

3) The woman's fertility is normal, or although she is infertile, she may be cured.

(2) Although there is no fertility requirement for the time being, the semen quality is abnormal.

(3) Symptoms related to varicocele (such as perineum or testicular swelling, pain, etc. ) are all serious, which obviously affects the quality of life. If the improvement is not obvious after conservative treatment, surgery can be considered.

(4) Second-degree or third-degree varicocele, blood testosterone level decreased significantly, excluding those caused by other diseases.

2. For patients with subclinical varicocele, surgical treatment is generally not recommended; However, for patients with clinical varicocele on one side and subclinical varicocele on the other side, bilateral surgery is recommended when there are indications for surgery.

3, adolescent patients with surgical indications:

(1) Varicocele caused the testicular volume to decrease obviously.

(2) Second or third degree varicocele;

(3) The spermatogenic function of testis decreased;

(4) Patients with serious related symptoms caused by varicocele.