There is a horizontal line next to the fitness equipment every 0.5 meters to 2.5 meters.

A horizontal line next to the fitness equipment is called a tension rope.

The use of tension rope is as follows:

1. Front cross-lift: Stand with your feet parallel, step on the rope, hold two handles at your sides, and hold your head high and chest high. Inhale, exhale, raise your arms forward to the ground level at the same time, inhale and restore.

2. Standing posture: step on the rope, stand back and forth with your feet, put your hands on your shoulders, palm forward, hold your chest out, inhale and exhale, and at the same time lift your hands up until your arms are straight, but keep your elbows slightly bent. Inhale and return to the starting position.

3. Bend over and lift sideways: stand with your feet apart, knees slightly bent, hips bent to keep your back straight, step on the rope under your feet, cross your feet to tighten the rope, hold the handle with your hands, keep your elbows slightly bent, inhale and exhale, and lift your hands sideways parallel to the ground. Inhale and return to the original position at the same time.

4. Side lift: Stand with your feet back and forth or parallel, step on the rope, put your hands on your sides, raise your head, and lean forward slightly. Keep your arms slightly flexed, inhale and exhale, abduct your arms, stop when your elbow is shoulder height, and inhale and return to your original position.