Treadmill HIIT reduces fat

If you can eat HIIT, you can lose weight by doing so in 20 minutes. Because there is still a long time after training to improve metabolic rate and help reduce fat. If you can't stand HIIT, run honestly for 40 minutes to 1 hour, because aerobic exercise takes more than 30 minutes to start burning fat.

Diet: generally adopt low carbohydrate-the staple food is divided into three meals until you are not hungry, and occasionally eat one day a week normally. Just eat until you are not hungry. You can't always eat less or not, which will reduce metabolism, and the important thing to lose weight is to improve metabolism. Or the total amount of food is not much, eating less and eating more meals can also improve the metabolic rate and help to reduce fat. The food is light, the oil is corn oil, the meat is fish, the fat is low, and the fruits and vegetables are well matched. In addition, between meals, you can eat some fruits that are beneficial to the stomach, such as bananas, cucumbers, oranges and other fruits. These fruits can clean up the intestinal flora and play an important role in promoting the digestion of the stomach. Besides, fruit is rich in nutrients, which makes our body indispensable, so that we can supplement nutrition and lose weight.