The difference between what will be done and what will be done.

"To do" means to perform or complete an action in the future, emphasizing the completion or performance of the action; And "to be done" means the action that is being done at some time or moment in the future, emphasizing the progress and continuity of the action.

The following is the answer to the difference between "to be done" and "to be done". You can simply understand these two phrases by looking at the table below:

The difference between will do and will be do: the difference 1: indicates different types of future actions. "will do" indicates actions or events that will happen in the future. Example 1: I will do my homework tonight. )

Ex. 2: They will clean up tomorrow. )

"To be done" refers to the action or state that is being done in a certain period of time in the future. She will study for the exam all day. )

Ex. 2: We will travel to Europe next week. We will travel to Europe next week. )

Difference 2: the duration and duration of the action "can do" usually refers to a short, one-off action. He will wash the dishes after supper. )

Ex. 2: They will go shopping in the morning. )

"Will be doing" emphasizes the continuity of actions in a certain period of time in the future. I will be working on this project all week. I will be working on this project all week. )

Ex. 2: In the next few hours, they will have a meeting. )

Difference 3: Planning "can do" usually refers to what has been planned or is willing to do. We will try our best to finish the project on time. )

Ex. 2: She will do her best to help you. She will do everything possible to help you. )

"To be done" refers to actions that have been planned or arranged in a certain period of time in the future. They will hold a party next Saturday. )

Ex. 2: During the summer vacation, we will visit our grandparents. )

Difference 4: Expressing prediction or speculation about the future "will do" can be used to express prediction, will or commitment about the future. Example 1: I think it will rain tomorrow. )

Ex. 2: Don't worry, I'll help you with the project. Don't worry, I'll help you with this project. )

"What will be done" can be used to express speculation about the actions being done in a certain period in the future. This time tomorrow, they will be studying for the exam. )

Example 2: She will write a paper in the next few months. )