What about the surrounding facilities of wanda plaza Community in Ganzhou?

Address of wanda plaza Community: No.58, Zhang Jiawei Road, Ganzhou City, zhanggong district (old winery).

The transportation supporting resources within the surrounding straight line 1KM are (Zhang Jiawei, Guandaoping Road, Ganzhou Winery, Lujiang Garden Community, the brigade directly under the Municipal Traffic Police, Rongshuyuan Community, Ximao Plaza, Global Bridge, Trade Plaza and Ganzhou Bus Station).

Educational resources within 2KM straight line 10 (Oriental Pyramid Children's Potential Training School (Zhang Jiawei Road Store), Oral Eloquence, Ganzhou Fengshun Driving School, Zhujiang Piano Art Classroom, Hongyun Home Economics Vocational Training School, Chunlei Caring Education Center, Agricultural Bank Cadre School, Wisdom Tree International Early Education Center, M Qi Xian International Baking Training College, West Point Education).

There are seven medical resources around 2KM, among which Jiangxi Dermatology Institute is 528m away from the community, Ganzhou Fifth People's Hospital is 592m away from the community, Ganzhou Third People's Hospital is 828m away from the community, Gannan Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine is 952m away from the community, Ganzhou Donghe Hospital is 1498m away from the community, and Ganzhou Municipal Hospital is 1498m away from the community.

The commercial facilities around wanda plaza are: (RT Mart (Zhang Jiawei Store), Beiaifang professional maternal and child service chain (Guandaoping Road Store), Ganzhou Wanda Crossing Rainbow, Ailian Little Woman Floriculture, Fruit House Fair Price Supermarket (Nanyang Garden Store), Laoguonong (Zhang Jiawei Store), Carrefour, Vegetable Butler Fresh, Yongfu Supermarket, Youjia Supermarket (Zhang Jiawei Store) and so on.

Click to see more: details of wanda plaza Community.