Why do you want to drink coffee to exercise?

The human body produces a hormone called cortisol during exercise. This hormone is a hormone called corticosteroid, which can be naturally produced by the human body. Some people also call it stress hormone, because human beings will produce more of this hormone when faced with significant stress. Muscles are most obvious when they confront each other. Because cortisol is released during exercise to cope with the pressure of fitness, your body will be in a catabolic state, and at the same time, your body will produce testosterone, which can stimulate muscle growth, burn fat, and bring many other benefits, including improving mood, sleeping, improving sexual desire, making people energetic, physically and mentally healthy and having a higher quality of life. So the ratio of cortisol to testosterone is very important for muscle recovery.

When you finish a day's exercise, you should first lower the cortisol level to adjust the ratio of testosterone to cortisol, which is why nutrition after fitness is very important for muscle recovery. Supplementing nutrition can change the body from a state of muscle catabolism to a state of muscle anabolism, but drinking a cup of coffee at this time will make the painting style different. ......

Drink a cup of coffee in the morning to refresh yourself. Adrenaline can produce cortisol, which is a stimulating hormone and a catabolic hormone. In times of stress, cortisol is our friend, which can keep the body in a fighting state. Cortisol is a hormone that can break down protein into energy. It is entirely possible to order coffee before intensive training, but if you choose to drink it after fitness, it may prolong the state of catabolism.

Coffee is good, but don't be addicted.

Too much dependence on the refreshing effect of coffee leads to coffee addiction and resistance. It will often make you feel tired, your brain is in a mess and you can't concentrate. Only by taking more caffeine can you have a refreshing effect. In this case, I have to advise you to stop drinking caffeinated drinks for a while.

Coffee helps to accelerate fat burning, yes, but only if you have a lot of calories (exercise), make sure that your calorie intake is not greater than your calorie intake, and expect to lose weight by drinking a cup of coffee? You might as well get up early for 30 minutes and exercise for a while.