How many calories does the human body consume in a day?

A person's daily consumption should be 1200 calories. The conversion formula of heat is as follows: 1 kcal = 1 kcal = 1000 kcal = 1000 kcal =4 186 joules =4. 186 kilojoules. Thousands of cards have been mistaken for cards. 1 bowl (140g) of rice has only 2 10 calories, so the heat is not high at all. The calculation of a person's calorie consumption in one day: male117 years old weight (kg) × 105 = basic calorie (kJ) 18-30 years old weight (kg) × 63+2850 = × 56+2050 = basic heat (kJ× 6 1+ 1880 = basic heat (kilojoule) 3 1-60 years old weight (kg )× 36+3500 = basic heat (kilojoule) weight (kg) over 60 years old.