Where is Guanshaling Village?

Guanshaling Village is an administrative village under Guanshaling Street in Yuelu District, Changsha City, Hunan Province. The urban-rural classification code is 1 1 1, which is the main urban area. The zoning code is 430 104005203, and the first six digits of the resident ID number are 430 104. The postal code is 4 10000, the long-distance telephone area code is 073 1, and the license plate number is Xiang A. Guanshaling Village is adjacent to Elliot Ngok Village, Chazishan Village, Jinling Community, Yulong Community, Wang Chang Community, Peyo Community, Juzhou Xinyuan Community, Shijiagang Community, Shilingtang Community, Sanchaji Community and Tucheng Community.

Guanshaling Village is near Yuelu Mountain Orange Island Tourist Area, Changsha Yanghu Wetland Park, Yuelu Academy, Orange Island, Aiwan Pavilion and other tourist attractions. There are Changsha bacon, Jiafu pine wine, Tanzhou crock, Du Xiang salted duck, salted duck and other special foods.