Fitness and muscle building, which time period before exercise is better to eat ready-made food tribulus saponin?

Half an hour before exercise. Tribulus terrestris can dilate blood vessels and increase endurance. Therefore, if taken orally half an hour before exercise, it can be fully absorbed by the body. This will greatly improve the body's tolerance. Increase aerobic time or strength group. As for muscle gain, it is best to supplement zinc. In fact, there is no real medical basis for the testosterone-promoting effect of tribulus terrestris. But zinc is the most important trace element in testis. Zinc deficiency can make men impotent, which has been proved in medicine. Therefore, zinc supplementation can increase testosterone content. Increase muscle growth. Both are natural supplements. Safer than nitrogen pumps and steroids, with no side effects. Finally, it is emphasized that Tribulus terrestris should not be used as a testosterone supplement. It is more vivid to use tribulus as nitrogen pump.