A day's diet for a fitness athlete?

Bodybuilders often divide their daily food intake into 5-7 meals, the contents of each meal are basically the same, and the interval between two meals is equal (generally 2-3 hours). Compared with the regular three meals a day, this method has two purposes: it can not only prevent satiety, but also improve basal metabolism. However, through calorimetry and isotope calibration of water, reliable research results have shown that frequent meals can not promote metabolism.

Principles of nutrition

Nutrition is essential for everyone, and people engaged in bodybuilding training need adequate nutrition. Beginners often focus on training and ignore nutrition. In fact, without proper nutrition, any training is ineffective, so beginners should pay attention to the following five principles of bodybuilding nutrition:

1, supplement enough heat energy: muscle growth consumes energy. Without enough heat, normal muscle growth cannot be guaranteed.

2. Replenish enough carbohydrates: In bodybuilding training, energy is mainly provided by glycogen, and the intake of carbohydrates can supplement glycogen, supply energy and prevent muscle decomposition caused by training.

3. Supplement high-quality protein raw materials: protein is the cornerstone of muscle composition and the foundation of muscle growth, so you must take high-quality protein every day to build muscles.

4. Promote synthesis and reduce decomposition: When muscle synthesis is greater than decomposition, muscle grows, and vice versa. Therefore, bodybuilders should pay attention to anti-muscle decomposition and promote protein synthesis.

5. Maintain proper hormone level: Growth hormone, insulin and testosterone in human body are very important for the synthesis of muscle protein. Diet and nutritional supplements can regulate hormone levels and stimulate muscle growth.

Nutrition strategy

Eat high protein after high protein training for dinner.