Using pr to do the effect of character strokes, college students will

Making Character Stroke Effect with pr

1. Import the material into pr and find the frame you want to freeze.

Click Export Frame.

2. Drag the frame in the project bar, or you can select it.

Right-click to add Frame Stop (to the right of the video footage)

3. Hold down the Alt key and drag to copy the layer.

4. Select the upper layer, and then select "No" in the effect control.

Transparency, choose the pen tool and draw a mask on the character.

Version, you can hold down shift+~ full-screen window for easy operation.


5. Set feathering to zero, and then right-click to nest.

6, and then search for "paint bucket" in the effect bar to add material.

7. The fill selector is the alpha channel, and the strokes are selected.

Stroke, adjust the width and color of the stroke.

8. The search effect "Gaussian blur" is applied to lower materials.

Y Adjust the blur size and click the copied edge image.


9. Search for the black and white effect to be applied to the material (below the material).

10, set the keyframe of the nested sequence and move it to the right.


1 1. Finally, type with a text tool.