How to read the opening?

The opening pronunciation is English ['__pn__].

The opening pronunciation is English ['__pn__]. Open examples are used as nouns (n). He managed to get through the narrow hole. Open the beginning of synonyms

I. Detailed Interpretation Click here to view the opening details.

(noun) opening, opening, hole, hole, mouth, gap, square, opening, opening opportunity (game, chess) Opening Law (defender before presenting evidence) Opening statement Securities market, opening adjective (adjective) Opening.

Noun: anopenoremptyspaceinobetweenthings; "There is a small opening in the middle of the tree."

" theexplosionmadeagapinthewall "

aceremonyaccompanyingthestartofsome enterprise

becomingopenorbeingmadeopen" theopeningofhisarmswasthesigniwaitingfor "

First performance; " openingreceivedgoodcriticalreviews "

Start doing something; " therayoflightrevealedhiscautiousopeningofthedoor "

Opportunities, especially employment opportunities; "There is a vacancy in the sales department"

The initial part of introduction; "Open Basic Theme"

Irreplaceable; "Bankruptcy is impossible"

anaperturoerlootheopenintobodilycavity; “theorifice into theortfromthelowerleftchamberofheart”

avacantorunbuffered space that sman-made; "They left the hall."

Anentranceequippedwithahatch, especially the passage between decks

arecognizedsequeofmovesatthebingingofagameofchess; "He recalled all the important things."

The first series

Adjective: firststorebeginning "the fifth part of themorableopeningbarsofbetoven"

"the opening of the play"

Third, dictionary interpretation.

1. Here we go; Start; begin

Open an event, project, date or day of the week.

For example, they returned to the opening match of totakepartintheseason.

They came back for the first game of the season.

For example ... the opening day of the fifth general synod.

Opening day of the fifth congress

2. Start; Start; begin

Such as the first part of a book, play or movie.

For example, theopeningofthescenedepictsakhnatenenandhisfamilyamentofinity.

The opening of this scene depicts the happy scene of Egyptian Pharaoh Okhennathan and his family.

3. holes; Caves; crack

Space through which objects or people can pass.

For example, hesqueezedthrouhanarrowopen the fence.

He squeezed through a narrow gap in the fence.

4. Open space (in the forest)

A small place without trees or bushes.

For example, iglanceddownathebechaswepassedanopeningthetrees.

When we passed a clearing in the forest, I looked down at the beach.

In Britain, clearing5 is usually used. A favorable opportunity; chance

For example, show how good people are.

Open online translation

Her ability always exists; allsheneeddedwasanopeningtoshowthem。

She has always been very capable; All she needs is a chance to show her talent.

6. Vacancy (position)


We haven't started yet, but if something happens, we will call you.

We don't have any vacancies now. We'll call you as soon as we have it.

See: opening

Fourth, examples


He managed to get through the narrow opening.


He installed a door at the opening of the fence.

The book is boring, but the last chapters are interesting.

The beginning of the book is boring, but the last chapters are interesting.

The establishment of the new China symbol.

The founding of New China marks the beginning of a new era.

receptivenesswregardedasthetimebetween floweropeningandclosure。

The time from flowering to closing is considered as an acceptable period.

The opening of the exhibition has been postponed.

The opening date of the exhibition has been postponed.

There is a vacancy for a plumber.

There is a vacancy for a plumber.

I'm trying to apply for an advertising company.

I'm applying for a vacant position in an advertising company.

hisopeningremarks sareapplauddebytesuments。

The audience applauded his opening remarks.

Five, common sentence patterns

Used as a noun (noun) manyattedtheopeningofthenewshoppingmall

Many people attended the opening ceremony of the new shopping center. The book is boring, but the last chapters are interesting.

The beginning of the book is boring, but the last chapters are interesting. There is no opening in the wall.

There is a hole in the wall, therenoopeningsforsecretariaeatthebankatpresent.

There are no vacancies for secretaries in the bank now. Many guests were invited to attend the opening ceremony.

Many guests were invited to attend the opening ceremony. Who's talking?

Who made the opening speech? Six, situational dialogue

Make an appointment to meet


A: Hello, my name is TomwithSteveRogers. I'm Dliketomakeanappointmentwithmissxu.

Hello, this is Tom from Steve Rogers Company. I'd like to make an appointment with Miss Xu.

B: OK, Mr. Tom, let me check Miss Xu's schedule.

Yes, Mr. Tom. Let me check Miss Xu's schedule. Oh, she is free tomorrow morning 1 1.

A: I'm afraid I will arrive on time.

I'm afraid I'm busy tomorrow morning 1 1.

B: Can we go tomorrow?

How about tomorrow 10?

Yes, that would be better.

Ok, that's all right.

B: OK. Good-bye.

Ok, bye.

The antonym of openness

A: Goodbye.


Entry permit

A: Welcome to China. mayihavealookatyourcustdeclaration?

Welcome to China. May I see your immigration application form?

Yes, here you are.

Ok, here it is.

A: You are so unreasonable. I want to see heavy luggage.

You go through the formalities first, and I'll watch the big luggage for you.

B: Great. I'll be back as soon as I finish the formalities.

That would be great. I'll be back as soon as I finish the formalities.


What kind of visa do you have?

B: Ihaveatouristvisa.

Tourist visa.

What does it mean to be open?

Would you mind opening your suitcase?

Would you please open your box?

B: That's right. Please check it.

Ok, please check it.

A: How much foreign currency can you change?

Would you please register your foreign currency?

B: OK. I'll talk.

Ok, I'll do it.

A: haveyoufilldinthebaggagedeclaration?

Have you filled out the baggage claim form?

B: No. I really don't know how to do it.

No. I really don't know how to fill it out.

A: Do you have anything to explain to the customers?

What do you have to declare?


B: no, Ihavenothingtodeclare.

No. I have nothing to declare.

How long are you going to stay here?

How long will you stay here?

About a month. I'm just sightseeing.

About a month. I'm just sightseeing.

A: Do you have anything to pay duty on?

Do you have anything to pay duty on?

No, these are just personal influence. Is this a convention?

No, these are just personal effects. Are these all checked by the customs?

Yes, you will like your life in China.

Yes, the inspection is complete. I hope you have a good time in China.

Health and fitness

A: Where are you going?

Where are you going?


I'm going to the gym.

I want to go to the gym.

You always go to the gym these days.

You always go to the gym these days.

Yes, I'm losing weight. Once you reach the age of 30, everything starts to go downhill.

Yes, I'm trying to lose weight. At the age of 30, everything began to go downhill.

Well, I think you look great! Where is the gym?

Well, you look healthy! Where is the gym?

Do you know Mr. Gold's name?

Not far from here. Do you know Mr. Gold's gym?

A: Yes. TheonebytheFarmer's market?

Yes, is it the one next to the farmer's market?

No, it's the other theotherone——theonebyBigLake.

No, it's another one-near the Great Lakes.

I didn't know there were two places.

I didn't know there were two other places.

B: It just opened, and it was bought at half price.

He just opened his business. I signed up as a fitness member on the opening day and spent half the money.


Is there a coach there?

Yes, on the first day, they arranged a weather test. I did some treadmills, sit-ups, push-ups and weightlifting. He asked about my goal, and then asked about my plan.

Yes, on the first day, they appointed a coach to give me a physical fitness test. I must practice running on the treadmill, do sit-ups, push-ups and some weight lifting tests. He asked me what my goal was and made a plan for me.

A: That sounds great. Network?

That sounds great. Is it useful?

I think so. Ifeelmuchbetteranyway!

I think so, too. Anyway, I feel much better.

Open related synonyms

Start, hole, opportunity, place, location, start, start, early, first.

Related antonyms of openness

Block, close, end, finish, close, end

Related adjacent words at the beginning


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