Why can't foreigners go to Asia to squat?

Probably because of habit, Europeans find it difficult for Asians to squat. In Asia, many people are used to squatting to excrete, so they have developed the habit. Europeans, on the other hand, are more accustomed to using toilets, so they seldom stay in a squatting position for a long time and do not get enough exercise.

Only less than 10% of Europeans and Americans can do it. In rare cases, westerners will squat down, but they just stand on tiptoe and raise their heels to keep their balance. There is no other feasible way.

Secondly, the problem of personal physique, because not all Asians can sit in Asian squats. This squat posture will be affected by the length of achilles tendon and the flexion angle of instep. People with too short achilles tendon or too small instep flexion angle will not be able to easily achieve Asian squat.


1. When squatting, the hips are lower than the ankles, which is common in people with tight muscles in the hips and back thighs, and it is easy to have backache, hip and knee pain.

2. When squatting, you must open your feet to stand firm, which is related to the inability of the body's center of gravity to move forward or the tension of the muscles outside the thigh, which is prone to knee pain.