Why do people who exercise eat many eggs?

1) Improve cognitive ability

Eggs are rich in choline, a powerful compound that is essential for normal cognitive function. According to some studies, choline deficiency increases the risk of dementia, Alzheimer's disease and other nervous system diseases, as well as cognitive impairment.

2) Reduce stress and anxiety.

Eggs contain essential fatty acids, which can improve mental health and stimulate the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter responsible for feeling calm and good.

3) Enhance the immune system

Eating a few eggs a day can improve your resistance, because eggs are rich in selenium, which is a vital compound for the immune system and can regulate the function of the thyroid gland.

4) regulating cholesterol level

Many people think that high cholesterol content in egg yolk is not good for health, but this concept is wrong. An egg contains about 200 mg of cholesterol, but the cholesterol eaten is not directly absorbed into the blood, which will not endanger health, but can regulate the cholesterol produced by the human body.