Which is more suitable for gym, Andema tribase reign4pro or Qiang Sen 4?

Hello, dear, after inquiry, Andema tribase reign4pro is more suitable for training wear such as squatting and dragging.

In the design of Andema tribase reign4pro, menu considerations such as jumping box, squatting jump, hard pulling, pushing heavy vehicles and even high-intensity intervals of treadmills are added, so flexibility and cushioning that are not needed for retraining appear in the front and rear soles of shoes. In order to embody the performance of both ends of Libra on one sole at the same time, Andema uses an element-groove, such as metatarsal bone at the junction of toes and soles to increase ductility by dividing the outsole, and the image of forefoot has three divisions.

In addition, TriBase Reign 4pro continues the Micro G material configuration of the whole foot. He is one of the reactionaries in Andema technology, providing short collapse deformation, which just meets the stability demand and does not shake his feet. A pair of training shoes can solve the aerobic x anaerobic menu, especially those with groove flexibility. TriBase Reign 24pro is recommended for friends who run 40-50% of the class schedule. Emma Kirk Odunubi, a foreign runner, still wears TriBase Reign 24pro to experience the 5k middle distance. Of course, the height difference is only 2mm, and interval training such as short-distance sprint is not a problem.