Big is not equal to strong tabloids.

Big is not equal to strong tabloids as follows:

Yes, big is not necessarily strong. Most people think that muscle is a symbol of strength and a sign of strength, so many people begin to exercise blindly. The gym is full of people sweating and practicing muscles, but I don't know that muscle size doesn't necessarily represent muscle strength. In fact, strength and muscle are closely related, but they are two different things.

Although muscle fibers are large, muscle strength is small, indicating that muscle quality is not high. At the cellular level, the strength of bodybuilders' large muscles is different from that of strength athletes (such as weightlifters or sprinters) or people who don't exercise. Muscle strength is the guarantee of speed for strength athletes.

Therefore, if your goal is muscle mass, there is absolutely no need to envy those who have great strength, but I think it is necessary for you to study those who have little strength but great muscle circumference. From a bodybuilding point of view, they are more successful.

Don't be limited to your own strength, because your goal is muscle, what you need to find is to isolate the feeling of muscle strength. Only with such strength can muscles be well stimulated.