How much is a needle of Jinan tetravalent vaccine?

Tetravalent cervical cancer vaccine

_ Vaccination time: The vaccination procedure of tetravalent cervical cancer vaccine is 0, 2 and 6 months respectively.

_ Vaccine price: At present, the vaccine price in Jinan is 832 yuan/needle, and it takes 2496 yuan to finish three injections.

Who can't be vaccinated?

One is pregnant.

I am in a sensitive period, so I can't use drugs casually, let alone get a vaccine, which may affect the fetus in the abdomen, but there is no specific research data at present.

The second is pregnant women.

The doctor suggested that it is best not to get pregnant within 1-3 months after three injections of HPV vaccine.

The third is those who are infected with diseases.

If acute and severe fever occurs during vaccination, vaccination should be postponed.

Fourth, people who are allergic to vaccine ingredients and accessories.

If the active ingredients or auxiliary materials in HPV vaccine induce allergy, it will cause great trouble, such as anaphylactic shock.

The fifth is male.

Whether bivalent, tetravalent or nonavalent cervical cancer vaccine is listed in China, it needs strict examination and approval by the state. At present, the cervical cancer vaccine listed in China has only been tested in female clinical trials.

Therefore, even if men voluntarily ask for vaccination at their own expense, they are not vaccinated as required at present.

Sixth, those who have used immunoglobulin or blood products.

Immunoglobulin or blood products should be avoided for three months before vaccination. If relevant items have been used, vaccination should be postponed.