How to avoid headaches or muscle aches after running to lose weight?

Christine Rafe, an American fitness expert, pointed out that many of the consultations she handled with runners and bodybuilders were not about the problems during running, but about the physical discomfort after running. For example, many runners complain that they always have headaches after running, which may be due to dehydration or sports sequelae, especially in hot weather. Other runners say that their muscles ache after running, especially after long or fast running. How to deal with these problems, Ms. Christine gave some professional suggestions. First of all, some long-distance runners can use ice bath to reduce muscle soreness. Ice bath refers to taking a bath with cold water with ice cubes, which can effectively reduce inflammation and soreness, because ice bath is more effective than ice compress, freezing the whole body at a time instead of local. Eat in time after long-distance running or strenuous exercise.