Which is better, jumping to lose weight or skipping rope? Know how to jump, how to jump will do!

Anyone who has a little sports experience knows that most of the movements with obvious jumping attributes are strong, so it is difficult for ordinary people to perform them for a long time, such as opening and closing jumps, skipping, bobby jumps, frog jumps, jumping in place, stepping jumps, box jumps and so on. At the same time, their weight loss effect is also quite good. Then the question is, if you compare the opening jump and skipping, which one loses weight faster and which one loses weight better for a long time?

Under the same exercise intensity and duration, the energy consumption of opening and closing jump and skipping rope for one hour is similar, which is about 500 to 600 kilocalories, which is equivalent to the energy consumption of long-distance running for one hour. However, because there are obvious jumps in the opening jump and skipping rope, the challenge to the heart and lungs will be even greater. The heartbeat often rises rapidly after completing a group of jumps or skipping ropes. This is why most people can run for an hour, but they are unlikely to jump rope or jump for an hour.

Although the two sports consume the same energy, skipping rope feels more difficult than opening and closing. When skipping rope, because there is an extra rope, we must pay more attention to the coordination of rope, feet and hands, ensure enough jumping height, and keep the waist and abdomen tight and stable beating frequency. Jumping rope obviously requires the exerciser to devote more attention and physical strength.

Opening and closing jumps basically do not need to consider these problems caused by skipping mentioned above. In the open-close jumping, the jumping height and the distance between the legs are controlled by the athletes themselves, and the movement is deformed or deviated, which will not affect or stop the jumping process, so the exercisers will feel more relaxed.

So from the point of view of heat consumption, there is no difference between the two. However, considering the technical requirements, skipping rope should make the exerciser consume more physical energy than opening and closing jumping.

Assuming that the ordinary opening and closing jump is changed into opening and closing squat jump, the exercise intensity will increase and the exercise energy consumption will also increase. So is skipping rope. Jump 60 times per minute and jump 100 times per minute, the intensity is completely different. The more you jump or the more difficult it is in the same time, the more energy you consume.

But the most standard opening and closing jump is less difficult than skipping rope at the same speed, and the body can adapt to the opening and closing jump faster. Yu's point of view is that when the athletic ability is improved, the ordinary standard opening and closing jump is not suitable for weight loss because of its low intensity. Intermediate and senior bodybuilders often take the opening and closing jump as a warm-up exercise, and each group can even reach 50 times or 100 times.

Another problem is the length of exercise time. When you lose weight with aerobic exercise, it is best to exercise for 45 to 60 minutes at a time. According to the suggestion of the National Sports General Administration in the National Fitness Guide, obese and overweight people should exercise for 45 to 90 minutes at a time. Although the consumption of fat has started from the beginning of jumping or skipping rope, it is mainly energy consumption, and it takes about 30 minutes to become the main channel, so it is necessary to do aerobic exercise for more than 30 minutes at a time.

Okay, here's the question? Who can jump rope or jump up and down for more than 30 minutes? Old fitness birds without special training can't do it, let alone novices. Therefore, it is inevitable to adopt the way of packet skipping. Exercisers should not only control the rest time between groups, but also ensure that the pure exercise time is enough. It is suggested that the exercise heart rate should be kept at 220 minus 60~%80% of the age, and it can be reduced to 60~%70% in the case of aerobic fat reduction.

When the energy consumption of the two kinds of exercise is almost the same, of course, the longer the exercise time, the better the weight loss effect will be.

However, no aerobic exercise can smoothly reduce people's ideal body fat rate once and for all and keep it forever. After a period of jumping or skipping, physical fitness will be improved and metabolism will reach a new level of balance. The efficiency of fat reduction will gradually slow down until it stagnates in this adaptation process. If you don't adjust your sports or diet at this time, you will fall into a platform period. Some people may even be stuck in the platform for several years, and their body fat rate has not changed. Therefore, the weight loss effect of kick-off and skipping rope cannot be viewed in isolation, and the current physical and sports stage is also an important factor to be considered.

In fact, due to the differences in exercise intensity and difficulty, exercise duration and frequency, implementation and quality of each exercise, it cannot be absolutely said that jumping or skipping is the better way to lose weight. Yu's opinion is that, considering that jumping is relatively easy to open and close, if you want to lose weight better, it is recommended to use skipping rope more. However, after entering the platform period, the unchangeable opening and closing or jumping plan will not help to further improve the fat-reducing effect.

Finally, it should be emphasized that diet plays a very important and even decisive role in the process of losing weight. Therefore, whether skipping rope or jumping to lose weight, we should pay attention to controlling our diet, otherwise we will probably be busy in vain!