What about the surrounding facilities of Qingpu Lvxin Baiyuan Jingshe Community?

Address of Baiyuan Jingshe Community, Green Center, Qingpu District: No.5799, Waiqingsong Highway, Qingpu District.

The transportation supporting resources within the surrounding straight line 1KM are (Qingpu New Town, Qingpu New Town Station (get off the station), Qingpu New Town Station, Songqing Road outside Yinggang East Road, Yinggang Road outside Songqing Road, Huaqing Road in Yinggang East Road, Huaqing Lu Ying Port East Road, Qingan Road in Yinggang Road and Yinggang Road in Qingan Road).

There are 8 educational resources (Zhangjiang Qingpu Garden, Shanghai Qingpu District Administration College, Dewease Education (Qingpu Campus), Adult Education, Fresh Education, Shanghai Qingpu New Era Continuing Education School, Qingpu District Teachers College and Qingpu District Early Education Guidance Center) within 2KM.

There are 10 medical resources around 2km, in which Xianglong Community Health Service Station is 942m away from the community, Zhong Bo Stomatological Hospital is 988m away from the community, Shanghai Qingcheng Hospital is 993m away from the community, Zhongshan Hospital affiliated to Fudan University CT- 1 room is away from the community 1299m, and Zhongshan Hospital affiliated to Fudan University (Qingpu Branch) is away from the community/kloc. Shanghai Qingpu District Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine is 162 1 m away from the community, Qingpu District Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine-10 is1702m away from the community, Shanghai Renbo Hospital is1860m away from the community, and Shanghai Tongde Hospital is1878m away from the community.

The commercial facilities around Qingpu Lvxin Baiyuan Jingshe include: (Sheng Da doors and windows, October Fresh Supermarket, Chongming Fresh Supermarket, Lianhua Supermarket (Lingxian Store), Ward Everyday Life Supermarket, Express Supermarket, Century Lianhua (Qingpu Store), Lianhua Supermarket (Huaying Store), Agriculture and Industry Supermarket (Qingpu Store), Agriculture and Industry Supermarket (Qingpu Xinhai Store) and so on.

Click to see more: details of Qingpu Green Heart Baiyuan Jingshe Community.