How is tinea pedis caused?

Tinea pedis is a common skin disease caused by fungi. Beriberi is a conditional infectious disease, which is often spread rapidly by using washbasins, footbaths, foot towels, hand towels, slippers, socks, shoes, bathtubs, etc. Symptoms include blisters between toes, peeling or skin whitening, wet and soft, erosion or skin thickening, roughness and cracking, which can spread to the soles of feet and toe edges, causing severe itching and must be scratched. Apply some traditional Chinese medicine ointment to beriberi at night, which is suitable for various symptoms caused by beriberi.

Because the place where you scratch with your hands is often infected with your hands, tinea manus (goose palm wind) occurs. Fungi grow on fingernails and become onychomycosis. Fungi like humid and warm environment, and it is hot and sweaty in summer. Those who wear rubber shoes and nylon stockings provide a hotbed for fungi. In winter, the situation improved and the skin cracked.