Can you lose weight by drinking beer? When and how much to drink?

Instead of losing weight, you have gained weight.

Let's look at "the calories of alcohol" first.

The calorie of alcohol is 700 kcal/100g.

The calorie of fat is 900 kcal/100g.

Protein is 400 kcal/100g.

Carbohydrate is 400 kcal/100g.

The calorie of a bottle of beer is 240 calories. If you drink a bottle of beer every day, you will gain weight 1 1kg in a year. According to a study published by the National Center for Health Statistics, nearly 20% of men and 6% of women get more than 300 calories a day from drinking, and gain 14 kg a year.

In Sweden, excessive alcohol will be added to gasoline to provide energy for cars (showing how high the heat of alcohol is).

Having a beer after exercise in summer is not so bad, because there is a lot of water loss and electrolyte loss during exercise in summer. Drinking beer can quickly replenish water and electrolytes (the effect is similar to that of sports functional drinks), but the bad thing is alcohol, which is about 4-5%.

Besides calories, what else will alcohol bring us?

Alcohol will make you urinate faster.

In other words, after drinking beer, you will soon want to pee, and you can't replenish water after exercise, which is not conducive to physical recovery.

② Alcohol is not conducive to the repair of post-exercise injuries.

As we all know, sports do harm to the body (big or small). Take running for example. Every time our soles touch the ground, the vibration will cause minor injuries to the muscles of our feet, knees and ankles. After we exercise, the body will quickly repair these injuries and build a stronger body to adapt to exercise. However, scientific research has found that alcohol intake will inhibit the immune system, affect blood flow and protein synthesis in the body, which is not conducive to the body to repair these sports injuries after exercise. Especially for athletes, the alcohol intake after exercise is not recommended to exceed 0.5g/kg body weight.

What is the concept of 0.5g alcohol /kg body weight? Taking an ordinary adult weighing 60kg as an example, if drinking more than 60x0.5 = 30g after exercise, it will affect the repair of injury after exercise. ? A can of beer is 335ml, the alcohol content is about 355x5% (alcohol content) x0.8 (alcohol density) = 14.2g, a bottle of beer is 640ml, and the alcohol content is about 640x5% (alcohol content) x0.8 (alcohol density) = 25.6g Two cans of beer will soon exceed the standard.

③ Alcohol damages the liver.

Not to mention the well-known hazards such as alcoholic hepatitis, fatty liver and cirrhosis. However, from the point of view of exercise, alcohol will damage the liver's function of storing glycogen. We know that glycogen is an important energy source during our exercise.

④ the effect of alcohol on muscle

Alcohol also affects muscle storage and muscle glycogen function. It is not conducive to the body's regulation of blood sugar levels. Exercise after drinking (the blood contains alcohol beyond the normal state) will make the content hormones unbalanced and accelerate catabolism, such as the increase of cortisol hormone, thus accelerating muscle decomposition. At the same time, testosterone and other hormones responsible for muscle synthesis decrease, and muscle synthesis slows down.

Therefore, the following is a summary:

1. Alcohol has a high calorie.

2. Alcohol is not conducive to the recovery of the body after exercise.

3. Alcohol harms the liver

4. Alcohol will accelerate muscle decomposition.

5. Not conducive to losing weight