Zero-distance fitness with my dear him

Zero-distance fitness with my dear him

Stay healthy with my dear him. In today's life, many people will keep healthy and fit through fitness. There are many ways of fake fitness, and those with partners can exercise together. Here is zero-distance fitness with my dear!

And my dear, he is standing back to back, kneeling on the floor. Hold each other's arms tightly and support them with their backs until they both stand up.

Take a break, then use the pressure from the other side to sit down next to each other slowly and restore the posture of squatting at first. This action can effectively exercise the muscles of thighs and buttocks, but it requires high strength and balance, so beginners can repeat it a few times less at first.

Shoulder to shoulder, lift the bell together.

The two sides knelt on the floor back to back, each holding a pair of dumbbells, and slowly raised their heads together. Their backs support each other, try to lift the dumbbell higher, stay for a few seconds and then slowly put it down. This action can be repeated according to your "ability". This action can make shoulders stronger and sexier.

Catch the opponent together

Both sides sit face to face on the floor, contracting abdominal muscles, knees bent, feet touching each other. Then reach out your palms to each other at the same time until you catch each other's hands. If this is easier, take another pair of dumbbells and pass them to each other when your hands touch each other.

Exercise arm strength by flexing and stretching your arms.

The two sides sat on the edge of the sofa with their hands on the sofa behind them. Support your weight with your hands, keep your hips off the sofa and try to sit down. Then return to the original position and repeat this action alternately.

When the other half is doing it, you can check whether his hips are balanced with the sofa by hand and remind him to use his arms instead of his abdominal muscles.

Shake hands and cross your legs

The two sides sat face to face on the floor, holding each other's wrists. Knees bent, feet on the ground, toes touching each other.

Lift your right foot as far as possible against your opponent's left foot, stay for a few seconds, then put it down when your back feels nervous or sore, and repeat this action with the other leg.

Finally, the right foot touches the right foot, the left foot touches the left foot, and then the legs are lifted together to form an "A" shape, staying for a few seconds, and then putting it down when there is tension.

Improved push-ups

Support your knees with a pillow, bend over on the floor, and put your hands on the ground, which is about wider than your body and equal to your shoulders. Bend the elbow so that the forearm and the back arm form a right angle.

Lift your calves and lower your feet. Put down your elbow and your upper body, so that your face will be pressed to the floor with your hands. Keep your body as low as possible, then get up and repeat this action.

Bend your legs and lift your hips.

Bend your knees, put your head in your hands and lie on your back on the floor. Gently contract your hips and raise your pelvis as high as possible. If your partner needs a bigger challenge, you can ride on his abdomen and let him (her) lift you up. Of course, don't leave the ground

It would be better if you have a companion when you and your dear Zero Distance Fitness 2 are working out. Double fitness can effectively increase and strengthen your own training, which is not only more interesting than single training;

And it makes you feel responsible: because two people must trust and rely on each other to succeed, this feeling makes you more diligent, encourages each other and makes training more effective.

Flexibility is one of the five physical qualities. Although this item is often overlooked, it is still a very important part of the training plan.

After the training, stretch the exercise muscles, because the muscles have been fully warmed up and become soft, so it is easier to maintain the softness of the body and even increase the range of motion of the main joints.

Fold forward

You can fully stretch the calf muscles, hind leg muscles, gluteus maximus and back muscles at the back of your body from this action. If it is difficult to keep your feet straight, your knees can be slightly bent.

1. Stand back to back with your partner and take a deep breath when your hand is straight above your head.

2. Bend your upper body to the floor in the preparation posture of diving, hold your partner's hand after reaching your body with both hands, keep this posture and take a deep breath for 5 times, then return to the standing posture, and repeat this for 3 ~ 5 times.

The posture of a baby and the posture of a backward-bent child &; The entertainer leans back in a bow posture.

This set of movements can relax both bodies. One person stretches and feels the spine and shoulders pulled apart, while the other stretches the deltoid, pectoral, flexor and core muscles by opening the chest and bending over.

1. Partner A kneels on the ground, sits on the heel, crosses his legs, and puts his hands forward as far as possible. This position is called the baby position. Take two deep breaths.

Partner b, when the partner is in a baby position, gently sit on his coccyx and let each other's coccyx touch. Help each other lower their hips with both hands.

2. After each person has finished stretching twice, switch roles.

Partner A keeps the baby posture, takes a deep breath and sees if it is comfortable to communicate with his partner.

Partner B lies on his back with his spine in a straight line with his partner until he is completely straight. Put your hand behind your head and take five deep breaths.

Spanning stretching and stretching

This is a good exercise to stretch the hind leg muscles, adductor muscles and lower back muscles. This exercise focuses on the adductor muscles of the calf on the inner thigh, which can improve flexibility and stretch the muscles of the spine and hind legs. Do this exercise slowly to avoid nervousness.

1. Sit on the floor facing your partner, spread your legs and press your feet on your partner's feet. Lean forward and hold your partner's hand.

2. Partner A takes a deep breath, exhales when the body leans back, and slowly pulls the partner in his own direction, so that the partner bends his hips and makes his chest close to the ground.

Partner B takes a deep breath and exhales when your partner holds your hand and slowly moves in his direction. Move your chest and torso down between your legs.

Figure 4 Hip stretching standing Figure 4 Hip stretching

This exercise can stretch gluteus maximus and buttocks, which requires considerable balance and coordination. Doing it with a partner will be much easier than doing it alone.

1. Stand facing your partner, hold your partner's wrist and forearm forward, lift your left foot off the ground, and put your left ankle on your right thigh in a zigzag shape.

2. Pushing the hips backward drives the knees of the supporting feet to bend and make the body squat. At this time, you will feel the lateral gluteus maximus and buttocks stretched.