Kangna fitness

Whether online or in reality, there are always people who are mentors and friends, and there are always people who take "advice" as a guide to life. From love to work, or to life, there is a set of very comprehensive life advice. But just as Wang Yangming put forward "the unity of knowing and doing", it is to tell us that "knowing what it can't do is equal to not knowing". No matter how much truth, if you just stay at the level of understanding and don't pay attention to practice, it will be futile. Conor Barnes, the author of this article, doesn't talk about the truth of life, but summarizes 100 small suggestions to make life better, hoping to inspire readers and apply them to life. Original title 100 Tips for a Better Life.

1. If you want to know what people think of a product, search on forums or social media. You will see the thoughts of real users, not the SEO content on search engines.

2. Some banks charge you 20 yuan every month, and some banks charge you 0 yuan. If you use the former, you should find out what this 20 yuan is for.

3. You have used a considerable part of your life (bed: 1/3, office chair: 1/4), which is worth investing.

4. "Where is the good knife"? If you are looking for a good X, you have a bad X. Throw them away.

If your work is done on the computer, you should have an extra monitor. Reducing the time spent browsing the window means more time to think.

6. Clearly specify when to throw away the old garbage. Once clear rules are established, garbage is likely to be no longer a problem. This is because any rule will be superior to our excuse ("keep this broken stereo for five years in case I learn how to fix it").

7. Don't give CDs as gifts. Now people listen to music online. Instead, buy them the periphery of the band they like, so that they have more personality and the band can get more money.

8. When shopping, you should weigh time and money. If you have less money, spend more time looking for discounts. If you have less time, stop looking for discounts and buy things quickly online.

9. Tea making time: 3 minutes for green tea, 4 minutes for black tea and 5 minutes for herbal tea. Good tea is that simple!

10, food can actually be cheap, healthy and delicious, and it can be prepared relatively quickly. It takes only a few hours a day to prepare multiple meals for a week.

1 1 Cooking will pollute the air. Opening the window for a few minutes after dinner can greatly improve the air quality.

12. Simple seasoning can make the taste of food more exciting. This is also an opportunity to express, buy some herbs and spices and then experiment.

13. When searching for recipes online, add "authentic" in front. You will find a better recipe.

14, advanced search function is a way to get more accurate search results.

15, you can use Autohotkey (or AppleScript) to complete tedious computer tasks automatically. If you have been doing "such a simple sequence that a computer can do", let the computer do it.

16, learn keyboard shortcuts. They are easy to learn, and you will finish the task faster and easier.

17, completion is better than perfection.

18. Keep your desk and workspace clean and tidy. Think of everything as a distraction, because they are. Workspace is not a place to store things, but a place to finish things.

19. Reward yourself after completing the challenge, even if it is a bad challenge.

20, 20 -20 -20 rule. Every 20 minutes of screen work, look 20 feet away for 20 seconds. This can reduce eye fatigue and deepen memory.

2 1. Exercise (weightlifting) can not only build muscle mass, but also improve bone structure. Lift it!

22. Exercise is the most important lifestyle you can do. Even a small amount of exercise (every week 15 minutes) will have a great impact. Start with small things.

Don't waste money on multivitamins, they are useless. But vitamin D supplementation does seem to be effective, which is important because vitamin D deficiency is very common.

24. The mobile phone is getting heavier and heavier in the past ten years, and your wrist is actually very uncomfortable! When it is not necessary, please use a computer instead, or at least try to support the phone with a bracket.

25. History will remember those who entered the market first. It is more important to push your creation to the world than to make it perfect.

26. Are you hesitating to break up or leave your job? Maybe you should do it. On average, when they choose to take this step, they will be happier in the end.

27. Discipline is better than motivation. The former can be cultivated, while the latter is short-lived. If you only rely on motivation, you can't accomplish great things.

You can improve your communication skills through practice, which is much more effective than improving your intelligence through practice. If you are not so smart, but you can communicate your ideas clearly, you have a great advantage over all those who can't communicate clearly.

29. Life is not about video games. If you want to do something stupid, or you have been going in the wrong direction for too long, you won't pop up a game warning, you must create your own warning.

If you listen to successful people talking about their methods, please remember that there are still a large number of people who use the same method and fail.

3 1. The best advice is personal and comes from people who know you very well. Accept such broad advice as needed, but the best way is to ask an honest friend who loves you for help.

32. Make things as easy as possible. Find the easiest way to start practicing, find the easiest way to start writing, people do more difficult things than they need to do, and when they can't succeed, they will feel depressed. Try not to avoid this.

33. Develop a reliable reputation. Good reputations are valuable because they are rare (easily destroyed and difficult to rebuild). If you don't need to make the best coffee, you just need to let customers know that your coffee is always hot.

34. How you spend every day is how you spend your life.

35. It is easy to notice other people's prejudice, but it is difficult to notice your own prejudice. However, its rate of return is much higher.

36. Just explain the problem. Often in the process of explaining the problem, there will be a solution.

37. Stupid people think they are right about most things. Try not to let the opinions of stupid people affect you.

38.you have a plan. Suppose a time traveler from 2030 shows up and tells you that your plan has failed. What part of your plan do you think failed? Go fix that part.

39. If one thing surprises you again and again, don't be surprised again.

40. Should you go crazy when you see the symptoms of your most serious disease on the medical and health platform WebM? Maybe not! Check the basal rate of disease, and then use Bayesian theorem.

4 1, selfish people should listen to advice to become more selfless, selfless people should listen to advice to become more selfish. This applies to many things. Whenever you accept a suggestion, you should also consider its negative side. You can filter out the advice you need most.

42. Universal systems and tools are designed so that everyone can operate them. So don't worry, only you won't! You can learn to wash clothes, bake bread and drive on the highway.

43. Defects don't make you special. The older you get, the more it will become a danger signal for people.

44. Learn more about your desires, goals and structure. There is no interpersonal relationship that cannot be improved. Know yourself!

45. If you are under 90, try all kinds of things boldly.

46. What is not your fault is still your responsibility.

47. Defining yourself by suffering is an effective way to make suffering exist forever.

48. Don't set limits for yourself. "I'm not the kind of person who would do such a thing" is not an explanation, but a trap. It prevents nerds from exercising and men from learning to dance.

Don't confuse "because I like doing something" with "because I want to be seen as the kind of person who does it"

Remember, you're dying.

5 1, events will hurt us, not just our views on events. It is good to cultivate the ability to resist pressure, but sometimes if something really makes you feel uncomfortable, it is not necessarily your fault.

If you want to be interesting, try to say something stupid (in the right crowd).

53. If you want to define your problem, say "Everything is fine in my life" loudly. See what objections will arise.

54. Procrastination is natural, so use it for bad things. "I want to give up on myself now, just for an hour." "I want to smoke now. I'll smoke in half an hour. " And then keep repeating it. Just as our good plans will fall apart because of our procrastination, so will our bad plans.

55. Personal epiphany feels good, but it will disappear in a few weeks. Once you have an epiphany, you should make a plan and start to actually change your behavior.

56. Sometimes, like "What is my purpose?" And "Why should I exist?" Such unsolvable problems will disappear by themselves under a good lifestyle. In other words, seeing friends regularly and ensuring adequate sleep are of great help to solving existentialism.

57. Two signs to avoid dangerous people: 1. People who are always wronged; 2. Angry people.

58. You can avoid some people who are used to acting.

59. Those who make you anxious and promise that they have a solution are liars. For example: politicians, marketers, new men, etc. Avoid these people.

Don't talk to the police

It is very cheap for people to talk about their values, goals, rules and lifestyles. When people's behavior contradicts their conversation, please be vigilant!

62. "Take the consequences" and "Those who live by the sword die by the sword" are the same meaning. The malice of making excuses for yourself, friends and teammates will come back to you one day, and then you will have no excuses.

63. When choosing 0- 1 person to live with two or more people, please remember that if you have more than one roommate, it will no longer be easy to determine the responsibility ("Whose plate is in the sink?" )。

64. Understand that people have the power of low taste.

65. Avoid shielding yourself in order to let others continue to think you are cool.

66. It is very important in a group. If you don't want to join a sports team, you can consider forming a band to get tickets. This is your closest experience to RPG games. Train with 2-4 other characters, learn new moves, go from bar to bar, and accept tasks from NPC.

67. It is possible to make others do things that you like better, but with little respect. Avoiding this situation will destroy interpersonal relationships.

68. Think about why you like what you like. If you can explain why you like Dune, you can communicate not only with Dune fans, but also with other people who like these aspects.

When you ask someone, "What is your favorite book/movie/band?" When they falter, they can ask what their favorite book/movie/band is at present. Almost anyone can think of it and say it.

70. Bored people are bored.

7 1. Eating with your family without looking at the screen will make you speak better. If this idea fills you with fear, please consider changing your family.

72. If you go to other cities by bus, you can consider finding a free ride on Facebook. It's cheaper and faster, and it may bring interesting conversations.

73. In love, find someone you like and stay with him. Most long-term relationships are just spent in peace.

Sometimes, things last because they are good. But this does not mean that everything that lasts for a long time is good. Apply this to interpersonal relationships, careers and beliefs appropriately.

75. Don't complain about your partner to colleagues or online. The benefits of doing so are negligible, and the price is to destroy your soul a little.

76. After breaking up, stop all contact as soon as possible. The possibility of putting on a play is endless, but the possibility of establishing a good friendship is slim. Wait a year before trying to be friends.

77. If you haven't studied sex, please remember that there is no deadline for this matter. If someone makes you feel yes, consider the possibility that they are not your real friends.

78. If you have difficulty talking on a date, try to say anything that comes to mind. At worst, you will ruin some appointments (even if you don't talk), and at best, you will have some good conversations. Alcohol can help you.

79. When dating, emphasizing your strangeness will make 90% people think you are ok, 10% people think you are charming and interesting. These people are interested in dating you. Aim at them.

80. Relationships need novelty. It's hard to feel fresh during the epidemic, but have you planned your own adventure after the epidemic?

8 1. A person may not be suitable for you, but he is not necessarily a bad person. Being a man is complicated and difficult.

82. Call your parents when you miss them, and tell your friends when you love them.

83. Praise others more. Many people find it hard to think that they are smart, beautiful or kind unless others tell them that you can help them.

84. If someone is being criticized by the group, a part of you will want to join in the fun of killing someone without hesitation. Resist this practice, there is no need to add fuel to the fire, you will only add ugliness to the world. Anyway, they have learned their lesson.

85. Cultivate compassion for people who are not as smart as you. Many people, through no fault of their own, can't handle forms, cheating or complicated situations. Be nice to them, because the world is terrible.

86. Cultivate patience with people in need. Communication is extremely complicated. It is necessary to express both tone and complex ideas. It is difficult for many people to do these two things. Do not punish them.

87. Don't punish people for trying. This punishment includes complaining that it took them so long, that they didn't do well, or that others did better.

Please remember that many people's pain is intangible, and some of the most serious pain is humiliation. Not everyone can make his pain clear.

Don't punish others because they admit their mistakes, which will make it more difficult for them to make progress.

Generally speaking, you will make excuses for your bad behavior towards others, so don't do it.

9 1, people's emotions and happiness are greatly influenced by simple things. Exercise, good sleep, light, in nature, these don't need to spend a lot of money.

92. Your political influence is minimal, and every thought you spend on politics may go up in smoke. You can consider building something or even taking a walk, which is more meaningful.

93. sturgeon's Law states that 90% of things are rubbish. If you don't like poetry, or art, or anything, you may only have seen rubbish. Go find something better!

You don't have to love your job. Work can be many things, but it is also a way to make money. Many people spend the money they earn on things they care about and live a good life while working.

95. Some types of complexity will not make you like this object more, but will make you dislike it even more. For example, wine experts don't like wine any more than you do. They are more keenly aware that most wines are not good enough, and avoid excessively pursuing exquisite things to reduce your enjoyment.

96. Don't be complacent just because others are worse than you, and don't feel sorry for yourself just because others are better than you.

97. Like and want are different. Some things, such as junk food, besides enjoyment, you also want. But you can also like something (such as reading) instead of wanting it. If you remember liking something very much, but now you can't feel the desire for it, try to force yourself.

People don't realize how much they hate commuting. Living in a nice house far away from the company is not worth giving a small part of your life to boredom and fatigue.

There is evidence that both introverts and extroverts will benefit from being urged to become more extroverted. Next time you are not sure whether to go out or not, you can think about it.

100, bad things will happen dramatically (COVID-19 epidemic). Good things are happening gradually (malaria deaths are decreasing year by year), so don't think these are just "news". Try to record beautiful things and avoid inaccurate and pessimistic views of the world.

(Translator: Tikvi)