How much is the ticket for Yuquan Palace in Jinzhou?

Male is 38 years old and female/child is 28 years old.

This fee includes bathing, sauna, equipment and fitness, billiards and table tennis, watching performances (from 2:30 pm and 9:30 pm) and dinner from 23:00 pm to 1:00 pm.

In short, the cost performance is very high, as long as you don't do foot massage or something, it's really not expensive.

There is also Ocean Star, the price of male guests is also 38, and that of female/child is 20. Everything is better than Yuquan Palace except that there is no equipment. You can swim in the big pool without adjusting the water. The sound of the performance is also better than Yuquan Palace.

If you want to make it cheaper, go to Jinhua and Shi Ming Bath Center. Now it seems to be 28 per person!