Choose a few general fitness moves.

It is more scientific for people who are thin to gain muscle three times a week, because practicing more will consume more energy and fail to gain weight.

It is also possible to see the arrangement of your three training days. Choose three different movements for each muscle and practice three groups for each movement (8- 12 for each group). For example: chest: 8- 12 *3 groups push up obliquely, 3 groups push back, and 3 groups push down obliquely; Three heads: 8- 12 flexion and extension of the arm *3 groups, flexion and extension of the back of the neck *3 groups, chest pressure * groups. The choice of weight is very important, and the weight of 20 pieces can be completed at one time. If the weight is chosen correctly and the movement is correct, the amount of exercise will not be small.

Finally, a reminder: thin people gain muscle, and the interval between movements during each training is as little as possible. The total time from the start of preparation to the final relaxation should be controlled within 50 minutes.