What muscles do you exercise with your legs clamped?

Leg clamping exercises thigh muscles, including adductor, long adductor, short adductor and pubis. You can use a professional leg clamping machine for leg clamping training. When using the leg clamp machine, let the body warm up first, use the leg clamp machine in the right way, and gradually increase the training intensity within the range allowed by the body, so that the exercise effect will be better and more obvious.

Clamp your legs and exercise your thigh muscles.

The muscles of leg clamping are mainly thigh muscles, including adductor, long adductor, short adductor and pubic bone. Usually, you can use a professional leg clamping machine for leg clamping training. This kind of equipment is common in gyms, so it is best to know and master the correct usage before using it.

Before using the leg clamp machine, you need to do some low-intensity exercises to warm up and avoid muscle strain when using the leg clamp machine. Moreover, when using this instrument, it is necessary to keep the speed and breathing frequency consistent, which can improve the efficiency of exercise.

When the body can bear it, gradually increase the intensity of training, so that the strength of leg muscles can be rapidly improved. But for beginners, it is best to adjust the intensity of training once a month, so that the leg muscles have an adaptation process.