What's the difference between fighting muscles and bodybuilding muscles?

1, the purpose of muscle training is different.

The muscle training of fighting should not only pay attention to the explosive force and flexibility of muscles, but also pay attention to the endurance of muscles. Excessive muscle area will slow down the speed, and the greater the physical load, the worse the endurance.

Bodybuilding pays attention to the beauty of the figure. Bodybuilders' muscles are usually used to gain larger and more graceful muscles.

2. The emphasis of muscle training is different.

The principle of boxer's muscle training lies in better transmission of strength, that is, fast speed, strong blow and long endurance, so it is more important to train the overall muscle coordination of the whole body, and only when making up for weaknesses will the muscles of a certain area be exercised alone. In addition, the muscles of fighters must have another function-fighting, so there is also muscle training in muscle training.

Bodybuilders' muscle training is for better body shape, with the emphasis on single muscle training. Over time, the way muscles exert their strength will be different.

3. The weight of training equipment is different.

Fighters usually use light weight (15~25RM) for explosive power and physical training, while heavy weight (1~5RM) is used to improve absolute strength, which can not only enhance muscle strength, but also prevent muscle overgrowth.

Bodybuilders usually practice with a moderate weight (6~ 12RM), sometimes with a large weight to stimulate muscles and a small weight to draw lines, but more often with a weight of 6~ 12RM.

4. Different training methods.

Bodybuilding training often makes muscles hyperemia to achieve the purpose of increasing muscles, so it will make muscles move slowly or to the extreme during training to fully stimulate muscles.

Because the fighting process is full of danger, the fighting muscles must move quickly. When training muscles, you should not let them move too slowly, and you should not be congested for a long time. High-intensity and low-interval training methods should be used more.