How to do barbell push correctly? What are the essentials of action?

Squat, pull and push are the three major fitness programs we often talk about. The reason why it is called "big event" is based on the function and difficulty of the action itself, and more importantly, the participation of body muscles, rather than a muscle tissue, can be done well in the joint part. If these movements can be used correctly in the process of fitness, the benefit rate of our body is very considerable, especially for people who want to gain muscle. In many training movements, barbell pushing shoulders has the same advantages as them, especially compared with bench pressing.

So today we will talk about some training knowledge about shoulder training movements-barbell pushing shoulders. Through today's explanation, I hope everyone can correctly and reasonably apply barbell shoulder massage to daily training. To master movements correctly, we must first learn from three aspects, namely, the principle of movements, the muscles involved and the correct way of exerting force. For human behavior and activities, training is the basic method to master any movement principle.

So is pushing shoulders. As the name implies, shoulder pushing is a training action powered by shoulder joint. From the point of view of sports anatomy, shoulder pushing involves the flexion and extension of shoulder joint, which is completed on the basis of elbow flexion and extension. The deltoid muscle is the main action muscle of shoulder joint flexion, and the abductor muscle of shoulder joint is the deltoid muscle. For these activities of shoulder joint, the upper chest and serratus anterior muscle also played a role in the process of promotion. Similar to bench press, the flexion and extension of elbow joint will inevitably lead to the stress of triceps brachii

Barbell push shoulders can be divided into sitting posture and standing posture. Today, we will talk about the shoulder push with high difficulty coefficient. I believe that sitting posture is more important after mastering the standard standing posture and shoulder pushing. Adjust the barbell stand slightly below the shoulder, stand with your feet shoulder width apart, hold the barbell with both hands slightly wider than the shoulder, put the barbell under the palm of the tiger's mouth, then lift the barbell bar and put the barbell on your upper chest. . Push upward with the strength of shoulders and arms, and tighten the abdominal muscles, gluteus maximus and quadriceps femoris during exercise to keep the body stable and neutral until the barbell is pushed directly above the body, and then perform the peak contraction of 1-2s at the highest point of exercise.

Adjusting the opening angle of elbow joint is too small, which is not conducive to our steady push. Therefore, when lifting the bar, we must adjust the grip distance to ensure that the arm is perpendicular to the barbell, so as to play the role of action in a safe and effective situation. When most people push, the trajectory of the barbell is a curve, that is, from the chest to the top of the head and even the back, which is obviously incorrect. This will not only put too much pressure on the toe and upper chest of deltoid muscle, but also fail to protect the shoulder joint.