I gained weight after going to the gym. Do you regret going to the gym? Why did you gain a lot of weight, especially after doing anaerobic exercise for a week? I stopped doing aerobic exercise after t

I gained weight after going to the gym. Do you regret going to the gym? Why did you gain a lot of weight, especially after doing anaerobic exercise for a week? I stopped doing aerobic exercise after that. Anaerobic exercise for weight loss is usually above 20RM (20 times in each group). This strength is very limited for increasing muscle weight. You may gain a little weight a week or a month after you start fitness (if you gain a lot of weight, it's not a fitness problem, just shut up). When you get used to this intensity, your weight (muscle) will not increase. When gaining muscle, the more muscles there are, the higher the basal metabolism of the body, and the higher the efficiency of burning fat, as well as when the body decomposes lactic acid produced by anaerobic exercise.