Neck muscle aches after fitness

Neck muscle ache during fitness is due to the movement of neck muscles during fitness, which produces lactic acid, which is a normal phenomenon and can be recovered by itself. If the neck muscles are sore, it may be because the way of fitness is incorrect, resulting in severe stress on the neck and muscle strain, which requires hospitalization.

Causes of neck muscle pain in fitness

After exercise, the neck muscles are slightly painful, indicating that the neck muscles have also been exercised, and the neck muscles produce a lot of lactic acid, which leads to neck muscle pain after exercise. This is a normal phenomenon, 1 ~ 2 days can recover on its own, don't worry too much.

Severe neck muscle soreness may be due to incorrect fitness methods, resulting in excessive neck pressure and pain. It is necessary to adjust the reasonable posture during retraining, and it is best to ask a professional fitness coach to guide the movements to avoid neck injury caused by posture errors.

If the neck is sore after fitness, it is necessary to consider whether the neck muscles are strained and need to go to the hospital for treatment. The neck is a fragile part of the body, which needs careful protection to avoid injury. If you have a neck injury, you'd better wait until you fully recover before you do fitness training.